6. Conrad

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In the next morning we had the flight. I dressed up in a floral and tropical dress with golden sandals.
Conrad is a mysterious boy with a mysterious style. He doesn't smile so much,but when I'm with him he always laughs and makes jokes. I really didn't like him. He is so cute and a nice guy.

We took the plane,we sat on our places.

"This is my first flight ever. I'm scared."

"You don't have to. I'm here. Trust me."

He looked at me. He was so cute. I easy fall for people which are nice with me. I'm a fool. I'm like a little girl who fangirls.
I put my earphones and I searched Conrad's music. He didn't know that.

"Uhm...I need some rest." I said

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll be here"

He will be here. Will he protect me?
I closed my eyes I listened to Firestone again. I love that song. My boys...
I also listened to Hold me up and Start again. I stopped at that song. Tears runned down my face. That song is beautiful. His voice. Him. Conrad Sewell.
I'm not ready for him. Not now. I love him. I can't. I also love Kyrre.
I slept some hours and when I woke up,Conrad was gone. Did he leave me like Kyrre?
After some minutes I saw that he came with some snacks.

"*Mnom mnom* You should try this."

"Haha Conrad, you naughty boy, sit here. You're not the only one in the plane."

"You're not my mother. Haha."

Ugh..."You're not my mother". I failed with this.

"Babe,sorry,it was a joke. Don't be angry". He said and then he sat next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Uhm...sorry. I have many problems in this period. I will have an exam,Kyrre's loss... He helped me a lot with the economics and also with the piano and..."

I was ready to tell him that I love him,but I didn't do it.

"Don't worry, we will find him. I know him. He is my *brother*"

*The final destination,Bali. Get ready!*

"We're here. So cool!" I said

The weather was so hot,so I needed to buy an ice cream.
We found the cheapest hotel. It was okay for me. I had to sleep in the same room with him because I couldn't afford it and I didn't need his help again. I'm not okay...
We had an afternoon walk. I stopped walking and looked at him.

"Thank you." I said and I hugged him.

"For what?"

"For understanding me,for helping me,for coming with me,for all.."

"Oh,Maria! It was a pleasure for meeting you,for knowing you better. You're a special person. You're different like the others and I..."

He wanted to tell me something. I was wondering,but also I wasn't sure. Does he love me? He is a shy guy.



"Oh please,tell me."

"I like that you are different from the others."

Oh...he really likes that I'm just "different from the others". Okay...

"Let's go to the beach." I said


"Yes,I mean...We're here and..."

"What about Kyrre?"

"He can wait."

"You're rude. Haha"

We were ready to go into the sea. It was so beautiful in the twilight. Conrad was staring at me or at my swimsuit. Haha. I don't know,but I saw he was in love with me. I still don't know if I'm really in love with him.
From a stranger to a friend in a short time...
I still don't know. He was and is so nice with me.
I ran into the cold water and I started swimming. I love this feeling. I felt like someone was hugging me. It was Conrad. His face was closer than always. I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me.
I tried to "escape" from him. I did it! I swam to the shore and I was a little scared. I wasn't ready for this.
I started crying, I dressed up quickly and I ran to the hotel without him. I had a shower and I cried,I cried,I cried... I was a fool. I'm scared. Scared of love. Kyrre and now Conrad? I think I'm also in love with Conrad... I don't know what I want right now.
I finished my shower and I put the towel around me. I felt like I was falling. Nobody was there to help me. I felt on the floor.
When I opened my eyes I saw Conrad.


"You fainted. Are you okay?"

"I don't know..."

"I'm sorry for that kiss. I realised why you left me, but I love you... I love you from the day I saw you at Kyrre's house. Your voice,everything. And I was so happy because you wanted to help you."

"I'm sorry. I'm scared...of love."

"You don't have to."

Oh my God! I was thinking about this. He loves me. Did Kyrre told me that he loves me? I think no. I see in Conrad's eyes that he really loves me.

"I think I will put some clothes on me." I said

"No. You're perfect right now"

He put his body on me,he kissed me. I let him. He kisses so good.

(We didn't have sex if you're wondering. Haha)

"Why are we here?" I asked

"To find Kyrre."

"Does he deserve it?"

"I don't know,but he's my bro."

"Okay,we'll do it. We'll start in the morning."

I put some shorts on me and a short t-shirt, I jumped in bed next to Conrad. He hugged me and we slept in the next minutes. We had to find Kyrre tomorrow.

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