4. Maren

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After a week I realised that Kyrre is a very good friend and a cute boy. We got very close. He forgot for a little about Maren,but I think he really misses her.
Three weeks before my exam.
I wasn't very stressed because I studied with Kyrre. He also studied economics in Edinburgh. He helped me very much. I really like him. He is a good friend and I got attached to him. I get attached very quickly to people who are nice with me. He is also a beautiful boy.

Uhm...I'm gonna stop! We are only good friends

Mom and dad had to go in Sweden for a week. Mom had to cook for a swedish restaurant in Stockholm and dad always goes with her.
So...me and Kyrre are alone.

"I want to hear you playing the piano" he said very curious

"You always hear me. I want to hear you now."


His fingers were playing so fast. He was relaxed. He played the acoustic version of "Here for you" and I started singing the lyrics. He was looking at me and he was smiling when I started singing.

"I never thought you could sing so good"

I heard footsteps and I made a sign for Kyrre to stop singing. I walked to the door and I opened it so slowly.


"Hi Olav." said Kyrre

"Olav! Ingrid! Woohoo! My people!" I screamed like a drunk person and I hugged them.

"Your mom has prepared the burgers. She's really an angel" said Olav pleased

"Yes,she really is."

"Kyrre! My man! What...are...you...doin'...here?"

"Maria is a very good neighbour. She let me to stay here."

"But you don't like him." whispered Ingrid

"Shut up Ingrid! I was so wrong. He is cute. I mean...ugh..." and my face turned red.

Kyrre laughed.

"Are you together?" (you could see Ingrid's jealousy)

I made a sign that Ingrid could see that means "No". She kept her calm.

"Uhm...Kyrre. Can I see what are you doing here?" Ingrid asked so shy.

"Sure. Come take a seat next to me."

"Oh my God!"

"Can I tell you something?"


"Now I'm Kyrre,not Kygo. I hope you understand."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"This is ridiculous." said Olav to Ingrid. He was disgusted

"Olav. Go and eat your burgers and leave me alone." said Ingrid attacked

I love Ingrid's long straight blonde hair. She always plays with it when she's shy.

I brought burgers for everyone. Olav ate two (plus fries). He is fit.
He took his camera and made us some photos. Ingrid always stood near Kyrre. (She is a fangirl)

"I've got an idea. Let's have a party!" said Olav

"NO WAY! My mom wants me to learn for exam (so am I) and she doesn't need rubbish." I said alarmed

"Good idea" said Kyrre and Ingrid


"Okay. Let's go to Kyrre's house. He has a pool and he can play his new songs. And also we can have a karaoke party inside. Maria,you learn how to have fun."

"Shut up Olav!"

"I think it's a good idea." said Kyrre.


"Keep calm Maria! We'll study continuous after this if you want."


"Of course."

I hugged him and I whispered "Thank you." Olav and Ingrid said together "Aww."

"No. We're good friends." I confirmed.

The next day was the day when the party started. Kyrre,Ingrid and Olav were at "Gørvell's". I wasn't ready yet. I dressed with my favourite "tropical" swimsuit and a floral t-shirt with black shorts and white sneakers. I applied "Baby lips" and I was ready.
At Gørvell's house everything was ready. Kyrre finally put his Snapback (he was ready to be Kygo).

"It's so tropical here". I said.

"This was the intention." winked Kyrre.

"So...uhm...Kygo,yes?" asked Ingrid

"Now I am Kygo." he laughed

"THIS. PLACE. IS. HEAVEN." said an unknown voice

He was Thomas Jack. He came with Myles,Conrad and Parson James.

"GUYS. YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! Meet my girls, Maria and Ingrid."

"I'm his girl!" fangirled Ingrid

"Ingrid,keep calm." I said "Oh my God. Nice to meet you boys. I really love your work."

"You're cute." said Conrad

"Thank you." and my face turned red. "TJ,you need to make a song with Kyrre."

"We're working on something" he winked to Kyrre.

After this,many people invaded Kyrre's house. It finally looked like a party.

Kyrre played his songs with Conrad and Parson James. Everybody knew the lyrics (so did I),jumped in the pool and danced. It was so cool. I got undressed and I jumped in the pool with Ingrid (she had a one-piece swimsuit. It was really cute). Kyrre was looking at me and smiled. He looked at me in a different way. I think he likes me. But how? He loves Maren.
Olav took many photos and also made an announcement:

"Everybody let's go and have a karaoke party."

People dressed up and went inside. First who sang a song was Conrad who sang his song "Hold me up",after that, Parson James with "Sinner like you", then Ingrid "Firestone" (she tried)

"Now let's listen to our girl,Maria!" shouted Olav

"No! No! Olav,please. No! INGRID! Help!"

*MARIA MARIA MARIA MARIA* shouted Kyrre,Olav,Ingrid,Myles,Thomas,Conrad and Parson (the important people) and after them,all of the people.

I went slowly in front of the people. I was shaking. I choosed Kygo' s last single, "Here for you". I love it!
The song started. I was shaking again,but I tried to start.

Everybody was looking at me. I only looked at Kyrre. He was smiling (as always),but one moment he hasn't looked at me. He saw another girl and smiled. He stood up and hugged her. I think she was Maren. She had a long blonde hair and a cute smile.

I continued singing. Everybody liked. I finally kept my calm. The most painful moment was when he kissed her. A tear ran down my face. It hurts.
I finished the song and everybody shouted and applauded especially the boys. Kyrre wasn't looking at me. He talked with Maren.

When nobody looked at me,I left his house. I went back to my house,I jumped up the bed and I started crying.
I love Kyrre.

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