9. At the hospital

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Kyrre was taken in the ambulance then he said quietly: "Come with me." I accepted. The others came with us. The doctor was standing next to me.
Kyrre left his hand on his chest,where the injury was. He fell asleep. The doctor moved Kyrre's hand softly to see the injury. It looked so bad... Poor Kyrre. A tear was running down my face and then it fell on his hand. I took his hand and I felt like he was holding mine. I really love him...but...I don't know... Do I trust him? It wasn't his fault. He hurt me. I'd rather say Maren... I really forgot that the others were behind me,even Conrad. I think he's a little bit jealous because I care about Kyrre more than him. It's only my opinion. Would he save me like Kyrre did? I think we should be only friends. He is jealous when I talk with everyone,except him. Kyrre is a sensitive person and he puts his emotions in his songs. His songs are awesome.

When we arrived at the hospital,Kyrre was put in the operation. We stood outside like 4-5 hours. The doctor came to us and said "We did it! He's okay now. He needs some rest." then he smiled.

"Thank you God!" I said. "Can we see him?"

"Not right now. I said he needs some rest,if you go to him you will agitate him."


"KYRRE!" a known voice shouted. It was Kjersti's voice. He came with Jan,Sondre,Johanne and Jenny.


"Oh my God,Maria,honey!" he hugged me and she started crying. I was so sorry for her.

"You don't have to cry,Kyrre is okay. He needs some rest."

She hold my hand and went to the doctor. "Doctor,I need to see my son."

"I'm sorry,he needs some rest. You will agitate him."


Conrad calmed me down.

"Okay,only the family can go and see him."

"You come with us" Kjersti whispered to me

"No,she can't,just look what she has done." said the doctor.

"C'mon doctor,let her come. She's not a bad girl" said Jan (Kyrre's stepfather)

Olav,Ingrid,Conrad and Myles looked so weird at me. I was perplexed. Kyrre's family admire me. What have I done? Maybe that we're neighbours or Kyrre told them things about me. We talked for a while,that's true. We were good friends.

"Okay,let's go." said the doctor

I looked back at the others. Ingrid understood. I think she knows that I'm in love with Kyrre. Kjersti was still holding my hand.

"Right there." said the doctor who let us go first.

"I'll stay at the entrance." I said

"C'mon,don't be a child." insisted Kjersti.

"Kyrre,mommy is here."


"I missed you so much." then she started crying.

"I missed you too."

Tears were running down my face again. It was so beautiful. That mom - son moment...


"Yes,I'm here,son,also your sisters and Sondre."

"I'm happy to see you again."

I was standing next to the door watching that beautiful moment and I was thinking about everything.

"Someone is also here to see you." said Kjersti

I made her signs "NO. JUST NO"

"Oh,c'mon Maria."

"Maria?" Kyrre asked slowly.


"We're leaving." Kjersti said

Oh no,I'm going to be alone with Kyrre. Should I tell him that I love him? Maybe no. It's not the best moment.

"Maria,I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me."

"It's okay Kyrre."

"How was your exam?"

"Thanks for everything. I passed it,but I'll focus on music."



I started singing Here for you.

"When you feel you've had enough, and you've wasted all your love
I'll be here for you, here for you"

"That moment when you started singing this..."

"You were with Maren."

"I'm sorry... I love your voice... Please take this."

He gave me his Snapback,then,suddenly,the door opened and the doctor with Conrad, Olav, Ingrid and Myles came in. I put the Snapback in my bag.

"Miss,you have to go. I'm sorry."

This doctor really hates me. I hate him too,so I went home. Kyrre's family stayed there.

I arrived home. My parents asked me what had happened. I didn't answered them. I just wanted to be alone for a while to think about everything. Kyrre saved me and he also gave me his Snapback. I took his Snapback and I hugged it (I'm normal,I swear).
I fell asleep with the Snapback,then suddenly I heard a new voice in my house. I was Conrad's.
I put the Snapback in my wardrobe and then,he knocked.

"Hey,my little pumpkin. May I come in?"

Okay,I got bored of these cheesy things.


He came in,he looked so tired.

"I just woke up. I had my afternoon sleeping."

"I understand why do you have this baby face."

He came closer and then,he kissed me.

"Let's sleep together." he said

He laid on my bed,then he took off his shirt. I looked at him.

"Conrad...uhm...I can't do this...uhm...I'm sorry...not now...you have to leave..."



"Okay. See ya soon. Bye."

He was a little bit upset. I really don't care.
I locked my door and then I started playing piano and writing some songs.

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