Your new school

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You wake up and look at the clock next to your bed, it says 6:15 AM so you feel like you have all the time in the world. You drag yourself out of the bed and you put on your new school uniform. You go to the kitchen to grab something you can eat when you see the clock it's 7:55 AM so you grab a sandwich and fast put on your shoes and you grab your bag and eat the sandwich while running to the school.     You run past this weird guy on your way to school, you accidentaly drop your bag so you have to stop and pick it up again. The guy is just staring at you and you start to feel uncomfortable. 

The clock is 8:10 AM when you make it to school and you quickly run to your classroom and knocks on the door before you walk in. The teacher tells you that comming late can affect your grades and then you get instructed to go sit next to a blonde haired guy named Kai Haruhina, you realize it was him you saw on your way to school and you start to wonder how he came here before you. You feel like someone is staring at you and when you look to your side you can see how Kai stares at you, like he did when you accidentaly dropped your bag.

A) You ask why he stares and tells him to stop staring. (Read text A)

B) You continue with the class and ignores him. (Read text B)

C) You feel uncomfortable and tells the teacher. (Read text C)

(Text A) "Why the hell are you staring at me? You say in a very rude way and you see how Kai stops staring and looks at the teacher instead.                                                                                                                            "I asked a question and I want an answer!" You say when he ignores you. He looks at you with a smile and says "Beacuse you're so cute." After saying that he continues to stare at you and you stands up and says "Stop staring at me for Gods sake!" and then you run out of the classroom. You hear steps follows you so you run faster and then runs up to the roof. YOu hear how the person is still following you. After a while you have to take a deep breath so you stops running. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn around and you see...

(Text B) You feel how he continues to stare and you look at him one more time and you can see how he smiles at you with something in his eyes. Like if he loved you. You look at your other side and you can see a girl sitting there.                                                                                                                                                            "Hello." You say to the girl and you can see how she turns her head to look at you.                                        "Hi." She responds back with a cute smile on her face.                                                                                                 "Would you like to show me around at the school? I'm new here and I need to know where everything is." You say while smiling back at her.                                                                                                                                     "Of course I can, my name is Yuno Karosawa, what's your name?"                                                                    "My name is (y/n)." You say and then feel how Kai still stares at you. "Euhm, Teacher I need to go to the bathroom!" You say and then you run out of the classroom, you can hear steps following you but you don't care. You run up to the roof and stops for a little while to catch your breath. You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder so you turn around and you see...

(Text C) You start to feel uncomfortable and tells the teacher. The teacher just ignores you and tells you to go back to your seat. You feel how Kai stares at you again when you sit down so you look at him but he doesn't stop staring at you so you go to the teacher again but the same thing happens. He stares at you for half of the lesson so you stand up and turn to him and then you slap him in the face. He looks suprised and you can feel how everyone looks at you.                                                                                "(y/n) Leave the classroom right now!" The teacher yells at you and you walk out of the classroom and then starts to run. You decide you need to go to the roof to get some fresh air. You can hear steps behind you so you run faster. You stop and take a deep breath when you enter the roof. You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder so you turn around an kick the person, then you see its...


Sorry for short chapter, like I said I'm from Sweden so please dont be rude if I spelled something wrong. (I didnt use google translate.) I'm gonna try to write so often I can. Hope you liked it and that you continue to read when I make one more chapter, have a great day Reader-Chan.

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