❤Chapter 3- Ruins Sweet Ruins❤

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We stood there for a few minutes, until I was starting to get agitated. "Ugghh this is hopeless! We're going to get nowhere if we don't move on our own!"

"But Dipper," Mabel grabbed my hand as i was about to pass into the next room. "You heard what Toriel said-"

"But what about Gravity Falls? The sooner we get home, the sooner we can stop Bill.... If it already isn't too late..." i shook my head as I pulled my sister with me into the next puzzle. Then, the cell phone in my vest pocket started to ring, and i answered it.

"Hello, this is Toriel. You have not left the room, have you? There are more puzzles that i have yet to explain. It would be dangerous to figure them out on your own." Then she just hung up, allowing me and Mabel to return to what we were doing. "Dipper, i think we should go back. What if Toriel comes looking for us, and we're not there? I don't her worried-"

Then again, the phone started to ring. "Hello, this is Toriel. Just wondering... Do you prefer Cinnamon, or Butterscotch?-"

"BUTTERSCOTCH!" Mabel screamed in the phone speaker, making Toriel giggle. "Thank you," she said with a chuckle before hanging up. We took a few more steps into the room before the phone rang for the third time.

"Hello, this is Toriel. Do you dislike Cinnamon? I know what your preference is but, would you turn your nose up if you saw it on your plate?"

"Im sure we'll be ok. Thank you Toriel."

~§~§~§~ Many Rooms Later...~§~§~§~


We had finally arrived at this one room, that was not a puzzle for once. We had encountered quite a few monsters, and if Mabel wasn't there, I would've killed them, to protect myself, but of course, Mabel always begged me to spare.

We reached this room where a great oak was, the same type of golden flowers scattered around it, and a cozy little cottage sat in the background. Toriel walked around the tree, her face expressed worry as she reached for her cell. Butnto her suprise, the responding phone was ringing not far away. Her attention finally reached us, and her eyes lit up with ditzyness and apologies. "Oh, please, come young ones. I welcome you to your new home." the goat lead us to the cottage, and let us in. The smells of cinnamon, butterscotch, and the faint scent of burning filled the air of the lovely home, and despite that Toriel wanted us to call this place home, but we needed to get back home. As Toriel dashed off towards the kitchen, i looked Mabel's direction, and said: "Listen Mabel, we're going to stay for a quick visit, and then we're off."

"Dipper I'm not sure if I want to go. Toriel treats me better than both of our parents combined! I love this place, and I'm not going to leave." I sighed, getting nowhere with my twin. She never agreed with me. But my thoughts were cut off short when Toriel encountered us once more, beckoning us to follow her. She showed us around the cottage, until we reached a small children's room, a red theme accented to it. The bed was just big enough to fit both of us in, and Toriel kissed both of us on the head before dissmissing us to bed.

I tried drifting off to sleep, but was hopeless. I couldn't stop worrying about Great Uncle Ford, and Gravity Falls, and Bill...

When morning came, i discovered that Mabel was chowing down a piece of butterscotch-cinnamon pie. We walked out to find Toriel in the Living Room, reading a book in her easy chair. "Greetings, my child. Up so early? Do you need something?"

"What are you reading?" i asked curiously, hoping it would tell me more onto how to escape the Underground, and return to Gravity Falls. "Oh this? This is one of my favorites. Its called "72 Uses For Snails." I sighed as the title bored me. It was time. "Well... I really appreciate you allowing us to stay here for the night and all but... We need to get back home-"

"But my child, you are home. This is where you can stay  forever."
"I'm really sorry Toriel, but I want to go back home on the surface," Toriel's face darkened as she muttered, "excuse me for a moment...." The goat walked away, and down to her basement. "Where do you think she goin-"

"Come on Mabel," i said, determined, as I grabbed my sister's hand and dragged her along with me, to follow the motherly creature. When we finally caught up to her, I had discovered an exit that Toriel was about to seal, but she stopped when she saw me and Mabel. She sighed, and just whispered "It is a shame. You are no different than the others," before encountering us in battle.


Underfalls: A Gravity Falls/ Undertale CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now