❤Chapter 11: I Can't Take This Anymore❤

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Where has Sans been? I thought to myself as I stretched awake on the couch, glancing up the stairs at his locked door. Ever since last night, Sans has been cutting himself from society completley.


"Hey kid," Sans smiled at me as he casually came downstairs, stretching his limbs. "You wanna head out to Grillby's tonight?" I eagarly nodded, hoping I could get farther with the lazybones this time. For the past few weeks, I've been trying so hard to ask Sans out. But it seems impossible. I get this wave of sympathy when I look in his eyes, knowing he's still mourning on the inside about his brother. It must be terrible, losing your brother, let alone the only brother you had, and your new roommate was the murderer's twin. But whenever I think abiut Dipper, I think of that look in his eyes as he was about to kill a soul. It didn't look like Dipper... It looked like some sort of demon had taken over his body, and he had no control over it.

As we walked into the little diner in Snowdin, I sat down right beside my thick-boned friend as we took our usual barstools nearby the broken jukebox. Grillby cane over, taking our order, and dissapeared through the fire exit to prepare it. "There something on your mind, Sans?" I asked as I watched the skeleton gaze off into the distance. He jolted awake at the sound of his name, shaking his head violently. As Grillbz handed me my fries, and Sans his bottle of ketchup, he decided to speak up for once, to break the silence between us.

"So, I don't think you noticed, but  I decided to add another choice to the menu. Ya know, in honor of your brother. I'm really sorry about that Sans, I really am. You got my back, if anything is to happen." Grillby slid the menu our way, and I watched Sans' eyesockets widen at the sight of "spaghetti" on the elaminated paper. He shoved it away from us, and sunk lower into his hoodie, hiding tears from, me, Grillby, and the rest of the diner. I reached a hand out to comfort my friend, but he slapped it away, leaving the barstool, to meet the snowy town once more. "Sans, wait!" I yelled as I ran after him, following him in the house. "Sans, I'm really sorry, I miss Papy too-"

"Just leave me alone, will you?" He slammed his bedroom door, leaving me in the dark house alone.

End of flashback

Ever since last night, I haven't seen Sans. He didn't do anything crazy overnight behind that locked door, did he? I was about to go upstairs and check on the skelly, but the phrase "Just leave me alone, will you?" rang in my head. Maybe he's still cooling down, I thought to myself as I tried to fall back asleep, but was soon taken aback as I found Sans walk downstairs and flip the hood up on his head. "Mabel, you'll be alright on your own, right?"

"Where are you going?"

"Just for a little walk... I won't be long-"

"Well, I'm coming with you!"

"Mabel you can't! The Hall of Judgement is a terrifying place. I know I've never said this before, but I care a lot about you. Please, please, don't come with me."


"Thank you," Sans whispered as he magically opened a portal, and I grabbed his hand at the last moment, I grabbed his hand, and we were soon transported in a yellow-tinted hall, where Dipper was walking not too far ahead. Sans ignored the fact that I still came with him, a muttered a quiet, "Stay here," before approaching my brother. "You will now be judged."

Dipper turned around to face Sans, and I held back any noises I made when I saw that he had blood-red eyes, and a devilish- no- demonic grin was spread across his face. Sans heaved a sigh before continuing, closing his eyesockets.

"It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are chirping... Flowers are blooming... On days like these... Kids like you should be..... Burning



Sans lifted a hand as he encounted my brother, flinging him from one wall of the hall to the other, throwing him like he was some kind of toy, that wasn't worth living. I didn't want to anger Sans even more if I tried to stop him, but I couldn't let him kill Dipper either.

When Sans had finally decided to stop throwing Dipper around, he took out a bone, and was ready to end my brother, when I ran out at the last moment, tears streaming down my face as I screamed "STOP!"

Sans stared at me in shock, his blue fire in his eye lightening at the sight of me. "You can't kill Dipper, he's my brother! I know he killed yours, and I'm sorry! If you need to kill anyone... Kill me..." Sans' fire burned bright once more, but instead of attacking me, he used all of his strength, and soon me and Dipper were being sucked up into one of his portals.

"Sans!" I yelled, "What are you doing?!?" Sans didn't respond, the skeleton gave me one last smile as tears streamed down his face, alerting me that this was his goodbye.

Author's note: No this is not the end of the book! I really cliffhanged you, didn't I? But yeah, the next chapter is the epilogue, meaning this book is coming to a close. I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it, and I plan to see you in the next chapter!

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