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I woke up on my bed at home, back on the surface. The Underground was gone, nothing more than a distant memory, everyone was up here as well, listening to my brother screaming at the top of his lungs as he stood on his bed.

"I think you were just dreaming, kid. I don't think you'd be able to survive falling down Mt. Ebbot."

"But it's true! We were Underground, and there were these monsters, and they wanted to kill me because I was the last human soul they needed to cross the barrier onto the surface, and there were goats and skeletons and flowers-"


"Yeah but he was super strong and..." I started to tune my brother out as I pulled the cell phone Sans gave me after Dipper left for Waterfall. 1 unread message, it said on the top, and I clicked to see who it was from.

"Mabel, it's me. I hope everything's okay back on the surface. It took a lot out of me, but I managed to make a portal that took you and your brother home, and I managed to get Chara out in time. Who's Chara, you may ask? The evil soul who consumed your brother, and if I didn't do anything, she would've tricked him and left him in the dust to take over the surface as well. The king seemed dissapointed when I told him he couldn't meet you. He seemed proud of your optimism and love for monsters, even if we were a different race. And... I'm sorry for ignoring you the most of the time we were together. It was really selfish of me to do that, and I should've told you the truth from the start. I love you Mabel. You aren't like the other humans that have fallen down here. I've had to deal with several timelines where I watched my brother killed before my own eyes, and, that grief consumed me. I couldn't handle it, and instead, I took it out on you. Anyways, I wish you luck, and please, make sure you come visit me sometime, alright? I love you a skele-TON."

As the voice mail ended, I closed the cell phone, wiping the tears away from my face wih my sweater sleeve. "Mabel, who was that?" Dipper asked as he saw my tear-stained cheeks. I didn't respond, only sunk my face in my sweater to hide my blush fron my family and friends. But underneath, I was smiling, knowing that I was going to climb Mt. Ebbot again one day, and I'll go see Sans again.

Don't worry Sans... I won't forget you...

Author's Note: Thank you guys SO MUCH for reading this fanfic! I apologize that it was a little short, but I'm glad to say that this has been one of the best crossovers I've ever written. The first one I wrote was like 5 or 6 chapters long, and I felt it wasn't even good enough to go on Wattpad. Thank you guys again so much and I hope to see you again!

💞Love yall,


Underfalls: A Gravity Falls/ Undertale CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now