❤️Chapter 6: Bonetrousle❤️

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Finally, a place to rest! Ever since we left Toriel's, we were pretty much on our- well yeah we were on our own. With the skeletons guiding us the way here, your feet can really start to ache.

Speaking of the skeletons, theyre so amazing! Its like if you divided Soos in half, and these were like his two halves or something. But Sans.... I don't know what it is about him... But this may turn out that I may have feelings for him. I mean, it seems like this happens with every guy i meet but...

"MABEL!" I jumped out of my thoughts as I saw Dipper waiting impatiently to explore the small village of Snowdin. "Come on Mabel! Lets go explore the town! Theres a shop, and an inn, and theres a library, and even a restruant! Ill even treat you!"

I looked down, knowing he got all of his gold from killing the royal dogs and other monsters. "No.... No thanks..." I murmered, reaching into my pocket, and felt around to count my change. I had about 50G, hopefully it would get me somewhere. I looked back up, and seeing that i was ready, I followed Dipper to the shopwhere we were greeted by a purple bunny. "Hi! I greeted as my brother looked through the monster's merchandise.

"Hiya! Welcome to Snowdin! I can't remember the last time I saw a fresh face around here. Where did you come from? The capital? You don't look like tourists. Are you here by yourselves?"

"Well, yeah I'm Mabel and this is my twin brother Dipper. We were heading for Mt. Ebbot when we slipped-"

"You slipped."

"Right. I slipped, and we both fell, and we woke up here."

The rabbit nodded as Dipper continued searching, and I leaned on the counter. "I've always wanted to see a place like this... But I never thought it was real... It's amazing..."

"Well then, you've come to the right place. There's lot do here. Grillby's has food, and the library has information... If you're tired, you can take a nap at the inn. It's right next door- my sister runs it. And if you're bored, you can sit outside and watch those wacky skeletons do their thing. There's two of 'em... Brothers, I think. They just showed up one day and... ... Asserted themselves. The town has gotten a lot more interesting since then."

"What's the history to this little town?" My brother asked, as he occasionally looked up from the items.

"Think back to your history class... A long time ago, monsters lived in the Ruins back there in the forest. Long story short, we all decided to leave the Ruins and head for the end of the caverns. Along the way, some fuzzy folk decided they liked the cold and set up camp in Snowdin. Oh, and don't think about trying to explore the Ruins... The door's been locked for ages. So unless you're a ghost or can burrow under the door, forget about it."

"This is a nice place and all... But don't you want to do more in your life? I mean, life must be the same all the time."

The rabbit nodded before speaking. "Life is the same as usual. A little claustrophobic... But... We all know deep down that freedom is coming, don't we? As long as we got that hope, we can grit our teeth and face the same struggles, day after day... That's life, ain't it?"

"I'm finally ready to make my purchase!" Dipper yelled, ending our conversation as he slammed some items on the counter as well as the rest of his gold. Handing her the money, Dipper wrapped a bandanna around his neck, and shoved a bunch of Bisicles and Cinnamon Buns in his bag, before slinging it over his shoulder. The bunny handed me a Cinnamon Bun and gave me a smile, thanking me for a lovely conversation, and that it was on the house. I left the shop to see Dipper a few steps ahead, and i easily caught up to him. "Alright, Mabel, I've have my blue attacks covered, and plenty of healing items, so I'm readier than ever to leave Snowdin."

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