Chapter 5

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The drive to where were were headed was long yet there was no ounce of discomfort.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked breaking the silence.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

Why wouldn't I be? Like, really?  I was here, in a van, all alone with him... Enough said right?

"You seem a little tense, loosen up. I'm here." He said cockily.

I scoffed then turned my head to look out the window. The 3/4 moon shown down on the tall pine trees, revealing their shadows that happily danced in the cool night's breeze. The sounds of crickets distracted the silence in the van and soon, I was at peace.

We pulled up to a small shack with a lit "Bar" sign hanging on top of it.

I looked over at Alexander who was now fixing his hair.

"You drink beer?" He questioned .

"Is this where we're staying, Alexander?"

"Do you drink beer? Yes or No?" His voice had now grown stern.

With my tail between my legs, "Yes, I do."

"Okay, I'll be back. Close the van." He ordered.

Soon he was now inside. Did I just get babied? I thought back to a few seconds ago. No, I won't tolerate this!

I scooted over to the driver's seat. "Wait, Carie, are you sure want to do this?"
I thought it through, once more... Yup!

"Lock up the van he said, I will. " I said as a devilish smile creeped up on my face. I sat in the van, for hours it felt like until I saw him, Alexander, strolling down the steps of the bar with a small crate in his hand.

Build your courage Carie, build it. The handle of the car door flicked up and down and was soon accompanied by a knock at the window.

"Open the door." He ordered.

I let out a deep breath, "No."

"Carie, it's cold outside. Quit playing." He knocked on the window once more.

"I. Said. No."

"Fine." He snickered.

I furrowed my brows. Huh? He surrendered too quickly, too... quickly. Slowly, he turned and walked back into the bar. My curiosity was now at the same level as the moon. After closing the van, I was soon following in his steps

Inside the shack, the smell of marijuana and cigarettes filled the bar as well as the throat scorching aroma of untraced alcohol and sweat.

Scoping the room I spotted Alexander and slowly walked over to him with a bit of caution for he was very unpredictable.

He smiled at me which was a cause for concern.

"Here you go," I say handing him the keys, "I need to use the restroom."

Truthfully, I didn't want to, I just wanted to pass the time as well as check myself. He pointed over to a hall with a flickering light. I was a bit hesitant but I summed up some sort of courage and headed toward the room.

In the bathroom, I checked my arm odor, my breath and fixed my hair. After, I trailed my steps back out to the area where Alexander was sitting... was sitting!

I ran out the door, to an empty parking spot. Flip, shit, no, damn, no, no, no.

I stretched my hands down and felt my pockets... No, no, my phone, the van, gone, shit! I held my head in disbelief. What the shit, Alexander?

I had no sense of direction, no phone and no Alexander.

"You play too much." A deep voice sounded from behind me.
My hear skipped a beat, no exaggeration.

I slowly turned to see Alexander standing with his hands in his pockets, with a full armor of composure on.

"Wha- wher- ho- when?" I said with whatever breath I had left.

"Let's go." He gestured.

Like a traumatized child, I ran up right beside him as he stepped over to the van, parked face out in a shaded area.

"Where are we going?" My curiosity still piqued.

"Patience, young one." He sighed.

The drive wasn't very long to be honest.  In a clearing a large red and white lighthouse stood waving it's light over the coast's waters.

I squealed in excitement. Being by the sea was where my peace of mind had inhabited. As the van's engine came to a halt, I was out, skipping toward the Goliath sized tower.

"Carie! Don't go too far now." He shouted.

"Carie! Don't go too far now." I mocked in an annoyed tone.

Seriously, who does he think he is? Couldn't be my father.

About now we were settled on a small grass patch, what was left of it per say.
A beer in my hand, sitting under a lovely lit starry sky, a young man who I have what you could call feelings for, and no exams or assignments to worry about. What could've been better?

"You cold?" Alexander inquired, the beer he was drinking now halfway to his mouth.

"A bit, but it's nothing to complain about."

Totally disregarding my response, he pulled me close under his arm.

I shook my hand. "You just wanted an excuse to touch me, huh?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm cold as well." He lied, looking out into the dark.

I looked up at him, and he to me. I felt quite secure under his arm. Were we moving too fast? No, we're just friends, stop overthinking things.

For about an hour we sat there speaking about our past, and where we'd like to be in the future. He revealed to me that creating a family was one of his long term goals. It was a intellectual conversation, quite refreshing I should say.

At this moment we now headed back on campus. The University wasn't quite strict with times allowed for boarders to leave or arrive as there was a twenty four hour security service. All we had to do was present our IDs.

There we stood, by the stairs of my dorm's building.

"Thank you, I really appreciate this." I confessed with all the truth I had left in my heart.

Alexander smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, you're welcome."

At this moment, we were both looking at each. The space between was no closing as Alexander was inching forward.

Should I? Should I not? I'm at a cross roads. I cleared my throat. "Goodnight Alexander."

In the dim street light that was hanging over our head, I saw him blink back to reality.

"Oh, Goodnight."

There was a hint of disappointment in his voice but I could tell he was trying his utmost best to keep it together.
I hugged him and ran off to my room.

Haven't gone over the typos. Hope you've enjoyed. :)

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