Chapter 3

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It was hours before the party and I had a gut feeling.
What's this feeling? Am I anxious?

"Carie! We need to start getting ready."

I looked at Alexis who was completely undressed.

"Oh my gosh. Where's your towel?"

"Not on me." She chuckled.

After hours of preparation, we headed out for the party. I have to say, our clothes really looked great on us with the right finishing touches.

The noise from the speakers sounded from our dorms which where basically half a mile away. As we walked up infront of the fraternity house, we saw crazy drunks rushing out the house, girls fixing their hair and makeup and couples embracing each other.

What a night this shall be, I thought to myself. From the corner of my eye I could see Alexis peering at me.

"Loosen up man, it's just a party."

She said it so calmly. My eyes widened at her statement. "Just a party? Do you know how many people get killed, raped, injured and so on at parties yearly? Just a party, huh?!"

She giggled at my paranoia. "C'mon Carie, do you want me to lift you up or hold your hand inside?"

I rolled my eyes and confidently strolled to the doorway.

Two young, husky body guards stood at the door with party bands and tickets.

I looked at the dark-skinned man, "What's the adm..." Before I could complete my question, Alexis stormed infront of me holding up two VIP tickets.

The body guard gestured to us to enter. Inside the room was hot and filled of cigarette and weed smoke and alcohol of all types.

As we ventured further inside the house we met up on Alexander who had just finished a make out session with a dainty looking girl. I was not the type of person to judge but I could say I was a bit jealous.

Alexander waved her off and turned back to his friends before realizing we had arrived. Alexis hugged her brother whose eyes had made four with mine.

I blushed at him. He's like a nerdy version of hercules.

I waved to him but instead of accepting it, he came over and embraced me. Axe! Temptation! I melted in his arms.

"How are you, Alexander?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "Great, now that I've seen you."

"I'm flattered." I said in the old time English accent.

The party had proceeded but I was in Alexander's company so I never really paid much attention to it.

The whole time we spoke, I felt that there was something he was hiding but I didn't know how to get it out of him.

"So, Alexander?" I started, "What interests you?"

"The mind." He said staring into my soul.

"You remind me of a younger Christian Grey. Very mysterious but exclude the taste in BDSM."

"Why would you exclude that?" He inquired abruptly.

My eyebrows rose at his hasty question. "You don't seem like that type, or are you?"

He smiled at my question and then walked off up the stairs. My curiosity at this point overwhelmed me and so, I had no choice but to follow.

I reached the top of the stairs in time to see him enter a room at the end of the hall. I sneaked to the door and peeped through the keyhole. I saw a figure moving closer to the door.

Untimely, I moved. Alexander laughed at me as I had fallen to my knees.

"Are you following me Carie?" He asked, humor in his voice.

"Not exactly. I was going to the bathroom."

He shook his head and helped me up. "Why were you following me, Carie?

"Because... You left with no verbal response."

"There was no need for a response."

His feistiness intrigued me more. I bit my lip subconsciously. "Why not?"

"You're too inquisitive. C'mon, let's go." He said as he walked me downstairs holding me by the wrist.

Gosh dammit! Why do my ovaries always tend to submit to these dominant males?

The party was a success and I was quite proud of Alexander and his friends. Before Alexis and I departed, Alexander and I exchanged a few words.

"I'd like to chill more with you, Carie. How's tomorrow at 7 at the Food shack?"

"In the morning? I get up at that time."

"Good, I'll swing by on my jog. Goodnight Carie." He said shaking my hand.

Before I could say anything, he turned and walked back inside. Damn he's attractive.

After a three hour sleep, I awoke and dressed in my track pants. Alexander called on his sister's phone and I answered.

"I'm running by now, try and catch up."

Again, I had no time to say anything as he hung up before any further words. I sped outside the dorm and out to the parking lot of the campus where I saw Alexander running out the gates.

I ran him down. "Alexander!" I shouted softly.

He turned around and ran off. "Catch me if you can!"

Is he 12? Oh my gosh. I smiled at his immaturity and instantly did as he insisted.

I turned a corner where he ran, but he was no where in sight.

"Little prick!" I said under my breath.

I heard a groan from behind a tree and I stealthily walked over to it.

There stood Alexander leaning on the tree. I tapped on his shoulder. "Caught you."

We laughed and started walking. "You're fit, Carie."

"I try my best, you know?"

"No, I don't." He looked at me teasingly.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him. "Why are you so demanding?"

"I've always asked myself that question so if I would've answered that I would've been lying. But, why are you so submissive?"

"Me? Submissive? No! I only appear submissive because you don't give me a chance to retort."

"That's how I like it. Get used to it by the way."

I screwed up my nose. "Get used to it, what do you mean get used to it?"

"What does it imply?"

I stopped walking and I stared him down irritatedly. He looked back and began to mock me.

"Gosh, I hate you sometimes."

"Sure you do. C'mon keep up." He said before instantly running off again.


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