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Hey Guys! I am so sorry for not having updated in 8 months! This year has not been easy on me and I have had to deal with some stuff. But I have finished this part (it's short, I know), and I have got the outline of the next book!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

Jan 5, 2019:


"What is it Bangaara?" I was woken up by the soft cries of my daughter.

I tried soothing her with the pacifier, but in vain.

"That's alright. Come here and sleep between me and Daddy." I said and picked her up from her crib. I placed her between Vihaan and I and snuggled close to her.

Vihaan, who was in deep sleep, finally woke up to see Aviva holding on to him tightly. Vihaan smiled softly, held on to her and kissed her thick curly hair.

"Good night, Chinna." He whispered and drifted back to sleep.

Three years and a baby girl later, Vihaan and I have surely had a roller coaster ride. We had our baby girl Aviva two years into our marriage and a few months into her birth, we packed up and moved to Singapore. Vihaan had landed a brilliant job opportunity, so we had to bid goodbye to our family, who as always, created a major Karan Johar film scene at the airport. Seriously, the only thing that was missing was one of our moms as Jaya Bachchan and an Arti plate.

I tried going to sleep, but was unfortunately wide awake. I switched on my night lamp and dimmed the light and resorted to reading. Within a few minutes, my eyelids started feeling heavy and I slowly closed my eyes.

In what felt like ten seconds, there was a loud knock on my door, which was so loud that Aviva woke up with a start and began crying.

"Vihaan wake up. Someone is at our door." I said while trying to soothe Aviva.

"You two stay here; I'll go see who it is." He said.

There was another loud knock while Vihaan quickly shuffled out of our room. Aviva had now started wailing and my attempts to soothe her were failing hard.

"What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" I heard Vihaan say. "Avni, you need to come here."

I slowly picked up Aviva in my arms and walked to the door. Almost scared to see who it was, I slowly made my way to the door.

That's when I saw her, with two bags on the floor and tears streaming down her tired face.

"Hi Akka." Amrita whispered.

Hey guys! Perks is officially over! I don't know how to feel rn! Thank you for being so patient with me! You guys are the best readers I can ask for :') Stay tuned for more updates on Amrita and Dev!
Love you all!

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