12: For The First Time

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CHAPTER 12: For The First Time

This chapter is dedicated to @dezertroze who is like one of the coolest fans ever!! Love you tonnes! <3

Needless to say, Vihaan had become the hot topic of our family gossip for the rest of the week. He was a big hit with all my aunties and uncles (who still were completely oblivious to my ulterior motives) and of course all my cousins.

“Who was that boy talking to you Avnu?” My aunt Anu had asked at Ajji’s party.

“Er, that’s my friend Vihaan Atthe, why?” I had asked innocently.

“No no, no reason at all. Tell me, is he single?” she asked, wagging her eyebrows at me.

“I don’t know Atthe. You should ask him na?”

“No need of all that trouble, ya. I was asking because I have a wonderful girl in mind for him. First class!” she said enthusiastically.

On that note, I quickly escaped from Anu Atthe before anything regarding me and Vihaan was to slip out of my mouth. Ajji, on the other hand didn’t miss a chance in telling everybody how traditional, how sophisticated (she must have heard one of us use that word, I suspected), how funny and how handsome “her” Vihaan was.

Vihaan of course was basking gloriously in the spotlight.

“This is good Avni! Your family already loves me!” He told me over the phone.

“Hello, don’t get carried away, huh!”

“I’m not, okay? This is all going to play a very important role when I come and sweep you off your feet and get married to you.” He said proudly.

“Excuse me; we haven’t been dating for two seconds and already marriage?”

“You think I’m dating you just for kicks?” He had a playful ring to his voice.

“Obviously!” I laughed.

“Har har. Very funny. Trust me Avni, first impressions mean everything, ayta?”

“Oh really? What was your first impression about me, then?”

“That’s easy! When I first saw you at Bhavna’s wedding, I remember myself thinking you looked like Lady Rambo.” He said.

“YOU THOUGHT WHAT?!” This cannot be true.

After two seconds of silence, I heard him burst into a fit of laughter.

“Not funny.” I said flatly.

After laughing for another twenty seconds, he finally calmed down and said, “In all seriousness, when I first saw you itself, your smile knocked me senseless, Avni.”

What the hell can I say to that?

“Of all the moments, you choose to be silent now, Avni?”

WOOOOOOOOOOOOSHH! It sounded like a gust of wind was blown into the mic of the phone.

“Hello? Avni? What’re you doing?”

Before I could answer, Vihaan started talking in Gibberish and muttered complete nonsense.

“Vihaan what the hell are you doing?!” I asked alarmed.

“I’m not doing anything!” I could barely understand what he was saying.

The noise suddenly stopped and then there was silence.

“Hello?” I said quietly.

“HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” it sounded like a hysterical girl was screaming into the phone.

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