16: Magic

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Please read the author's note! This chapter is dedicted to Yamini, who is my best friend in the whole wide world. I know I have already dedicated a chapter to you, but there is no rule that I cant dedicated more, right? Love you Yamz. <3

CHAPTER 16: Magic

“Ajji!!! Shruthi’s coming home in 10 minutes” Bhavna screamed while Adi stuffed her face with healthy multigrain oats.

“That’s great! Perfect time to make baby corn Manchurian!” Ajji exclaimed bolting to the kitchen to start cooking.

“NO! Ajji, please don’t make it! It’s so tempting. This stupid Adi won’t let me eat anything other than this god awful oats!” Bhavu grumbled at Adi who looked scandalized.

“I’m trying to keep you and the babies healthy and this is what I get,” He said playfully tickling Bhavu.

“Oh please, you make me out to be a child, Adu. I can take care of them and eat junk food at the same time!”

Bhavna was almost 6 months pregnant. The entire atmosphere at our house had changed into excitement. Everyone was looking forward for the twins’ arrival. Amrita and Amay had already initiated a bet. Amrita bet that they would be identical boys/girls whereas Amay thought they would be fraternal. This bet had created quite a stir in our house. Everybody was taking sides and now, what had been a playful bet had turned into a serious transaction. Bhavna seemed least bothered as she had warned everybody that all the money had to come to her on the simple grounds that she was giving life to them.

Meanwhile, it had been close to a week since I spoke to Vihaan. He had completely taken me by surprise by showing up at Agni. I was obviously happy to see him, but I was scared of what might happen when we tell my parents that we still are together. He had promised that he’d come and explain everything to my parents, but over the week, he had made no effort whatsoever.

What the hell was he waiting for?

My train of thoughts were cut by my older sister Shruthi’s arrival. The entire family huddled around her and nearly caused a stampede in our garden. Ishaan and Aanya were given a total of 200 kisses each by all of us. After we cleared the garden, Bhavna, much to Adi’s horror, dropped her oats and ran towards Shruthi and hugged her hard. Adi looked like he had a stroke.

“Relax Adi! Bhavna is fine!” Shruthi said once she was done laughing at his expression.

“My poor heart! Your sister is crazy!” Adi said clutching his heart.

“He has completely lost it Shru. He has been reading all sorts of stuff about pregnancy on the internet and that has scared him like crazy!” Bhavna added.

“It could be true you know!” Adi retaliated.

“Tell you what, if I catch you reading that shit again no, I will take that computer and smack you on your head!” Bhavna threatened as everyone burst out laughing.

Once the galaata had reduced, the scent of Manchurian floated around the house, making everybody’s mouth water.

“Ajji, I want 5 extra pieces, okay?” Bhavna called out.

“No way in hell Bhavu!” Adi shouted back.

“Adi, I swear to God, I will hit you! Shru, tell him na?”

“I don’t need anybody to tell me anything! Please Bhavu, don’t eat. For me.” Adi requested.

“Eh, don’t emotionally blackmail me haan?” She said and she got up to get herself some Manchurian.

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