5: Dare You To Move

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Chapter 5: Dare You To Move


This chapter is going to be a little longer as I need to cover a lot of plot lines, so please oblige :) Thank you guys so much for the overwhelming response for my story!! I love you'll :D


"So Avni, start your story. Shuru maadu!" Vihaan said, as we weaved through the Bangalore roads after breakfast.

"My story?"

"You and Aarav! You told me you'd tell me, alva?"

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did!" He nodded feverishly.

How he managed to be so excited all the time was beyond me.

"I said I didn't want to talk about it then. What makes you think I'll talk about it now?" I asked, crossing my arms like a head mistress.

"Fine." He said slumping his shoulders and let out a loud sigh.

Number 1 Drama Queen ivanu, I thought to myself.

"You're going to make it hard for me if you behave like such a baby, you know."

"Then start your story already!" He literally bounced up and down in his seat.

Dear God, please let me reach my office in one piece. I will break a coconut and do Mangalarti tonight.

I took in a long dramatic breath and began my story. I mean our story. By the end, Vihaan knew all there was to know about us.

"Okay, so why again doesn't he want to marry you?" Vihaan asked. I was so surprised he had managed to digest everything.

"He isn't ready ante. And neither am I. I just need to know that this relationship is going somewhere and that I'm not wasting my time, you know?" I replied.

"Hey Avni, I just wanted to let you know that if you every need me, you know, as a friend or a shoulder to cry on or even a clown, I'm here for you." He said, totally out of the blue.

"Thanks, kano," I whispered.

"What about you Mr. I-Haven't-Been-In-A-Relationship-in-A-long-Time? What's your story?" I asked.

"Khushi and I dated for almost four years. She then dumped me to get with a rich hot shot." He said. He had suddenly zoned out, I could tell.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry." I mumbled.

"It's alright. It was more than a year ago. Plus, she became a real bitch in the end. In a way, I'm glad it didn't work out." he said shrugging.

"But still, I can't imagine what you went through, Vihaan. Now look at you! Hero neenu, Hero!" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Yeah, but I missed, no?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hero didn't get the girl this time." He said simply.

For the first time in the history of Avni Kashyap, she had been stumped.

"Okay! We're here!" Vihaan said ten minutes later.

As we drove in, I could see Disha waiting for me. I promptly jumped out of his car, hastily muttered a 'Goodbye' and 'Thanks' and made my way towards her.

As I was blindly walking, I felt a hand on my shoulder.


"Hm?" I said and turned to face him.

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