11: Say You Like Me

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Hey you guys! Sorry for the late update! I had a string of exams to write (Still do actually)! I have one last exam and after that, I'll update as frequently as I can! Wish me luck x

This Chapter is dedicated to my  sister Amrita, who typed the entire thing and also gave me lots of ideas. Thanks Ammi!


CHAPTER 11: Say You Like Me

If what I am feeling at this very moment isn't happiness, then I guess I don't know what happiness means.

Standing in front of me is the girl of my dreams, looking at me just like I hoped she would.

"You have no idea how happy you make me feel, Avni." My voice was barely a whisper.

"Actually I do. You make me even happier." She said.

"Impossible." I replied and pulled her closer. I looked into those big brown eyes of hers which refused to leave my thoughts ever since that brunch. I felt like the luckiest man alive.

I could feel her grasp tightening behind my head.

"Don't let me go, Vihaan."

"Never," I said and kissed her soundly on the lips.

If this was Bollywood movie, there would have been a display of fireworks all around us (and not to forget, we would have broken into a song) because that is how the kiss felt.

I held her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

"Never," I repeated.

"I think we should go downstairs," She said. With that, we walked back to her family room hand-in-hand.

"Vihaan, why don't you be with Dev for a while? I need to meet some of my cousins." Avni said once we joined the party.

"Uh... sure, but Dev is heavily chatting with some of your cousins." I said looking at Dev who was very engrossed in a conversation with Amrita and 6 other people his age.

"Why don't you come with me then? I'll introduce you to my family!" Her eyes lit up.

"You go ahead and I'll join you," I said and walked towards my parents.

"Enjoying yourself are you Vihaan?" Dad had a playful grin on his face.

"Yeah," I grinned back at him.  "And you'll?"

"Anand's family is so beautiful! We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves." Mum clapped her hands together.

My parents were happily stuffing their faces with some delicious food which comprised of all of Ajji's favourites, Avni had told me. I was so surprised by the fact that an 85 year old could eat Gobi Manchurian like there's no tomorrow! As I turned to join Avni, I heard my mum calling me.

"Where are you off too? Come and eat paneer with us na?"

"No Ma. Avni wanted to introduce me to her cousins. I'll eat later, okay?"

"Oh, going with Avni, is it? I see..." Mum nodded slowly. I could already see that she was calculating something in her head.

"Actually, I need to talk to the both of you. It's very important but later okay? Avni is waiting," I ran towards her.


"Nice choice yaar Avnu!" My cousin Sahana said.

"Where did you find him?" Her sister Siri nudged me.

"Amma and Appa found him actually. He's Sid's friend," I explained.

"Sid has some hot friends man!" Siri exclaimed. I couldn't agree more.

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