25: You and Me

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Hey you guys! I have some news for you'll! Read the A/N! Shout out to my best friends Rakshitha and Shruthi who helped me so much with this chapter! Love you girls <3

CHAPTER 25: You And Me 


The entire house was in a state of total commotion since the engagement.

Avni’s wedding was inching closer everyday and there was so much to do!

The engagement was a big hit and everybody was talking about it at least for a week after. I, however, had my own reasons to love that day, obviously.

Once Dev told me he had feelings for me, I, being the idiot I am, bolted right into the hall and hid for a good ten minutes. Sorry, but I have never had experience dealing with this kind of situations!

Later that night, when all my cousins and I were ragging Amay, I spoke to Avni about it and she gave me a long lecture about how he is the sweetest guy and how stupid I was to run and yada yada yada.

Anyway, after that fiasco, Dev was to head back to the States. I couldn’t face him and was too much of a coward to explain myself to him, so I left him a message.

Me:        Yes, I like you too or whatever.

Dev:       Couldn’t you tell that on my face, Ammi? :P

Me:        Hello, I’ve never been in this place before ok?

Dev:       Finally.

Me:        Oye! Don’t make me feel more awkward ok? Have a safe flight!

Dev:       Haha! Sorry Ammi, I couldn’t resist. I’m so happy you feel the same way. I’ll see you in Jan, ok? Don’t forget me!

                Love, Dev.

“Love?” LOVE? What was that all about? It brought a stupid smile on my stupid face, nevertheless. Gosh , Ammi. What are you becoming into?

In other news, my siblings and I were steering clear from Bhavu, no matter how much we wanted to play with Amartya and Shaurya. Being around Bhavu meant diaper cleaning and burping which honestly looked and sounded so gross. Let’s not even go to the smell.

To my misfortune, Avni carted me everywhere. I had turned into her sidekick. I had to accompany her to the shop, to the wedding card maker, to the caterer and to the wedding hall.

“Ammi, we are going to the hair spa today okay?” she instructed during breakfast.

Looking at my expression, she added, “You have such long, beautiful hair! Don’t make it become into a broomstick!”

“Avni, I have college work!” I lied.

“Oh please! What college work? You’re done with your semester!” She saw right through me.

“Ugh, fine! But you’re paying me for this, okay?”

“Deal.” She smiled. She knew I couldn’t say no to her.


Being engaged to Vihaan was a whole new experience. He was the most amazing fiancé!

We slowly began setting up the interiors of our new house. He gave me full freedom to do whatever I wanted with it!

He had also bought himself a bike (a Duke 390). On the day he bought his bike, he didn’t allow anyone to sit behind him but me for his first ride. We went for a long ride, all the way to Bangalore International Airport. It was the best.

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