23: One In A Million

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This chapter is dedicated to @Latika02 :)

CHAPTER 23: One In A Million

“Yes.” I whispered, my heart threatening to explode.

He slowly placed the gorgeous ring on my finger and kissed my hand.

“Thank goodness it fits,” he said and edged closer to me.

Looking into Vihaan’s eyes, I couldn’t stop smiling. This easily was the best day of my life. I could already picture the rest of our lives together.

“I love you so much.” I whispered as our foreheads touched.

“I love you more, Avni.” He smiled.

“That’s not possible.” I whispered and closed the distance between us.

I felt his lips crash into mine as we drifted into our private universe. I felt so peaceful in his arms.

“Happy birthday, love.” He said and kissed me once more.


The news of my engagement spread literally like wildfire in my family. I got more wishes for my engagement than my birthday!

“Ma,” Amrita said to Ma on my birthday, “Don’t let this happen! Vihaan will die of food poisoning!”

I swatted Ammi on her head while everyone around me laughed.

Ma, on the other hand, began crying (like the drama queen that she was) on seeing the beautiful ring on my finger.

“What’s wrong, Ma?” I had asked her.

“I’m so happy for you Avnu. After so many horrors, you finally get a man who is showing you all the happiness you deserve.” she said, wiping her tears away.

Wow. Where had this come? Nevertheless, I was overjoyed that she supported Vihaan and I fully.

Dad, Shruthi, Bhavna and Siddharth began planning the engagement party even before my birthday got over.

“Daddy, what’s the rush?” I had asked.

“This is worth celebrating, Avnu!” he said. I could see the excitement in his eyes.

Shopping with my siblings was the highlight of my week. Ajji, Rutu and Naina couldn’t be happier. Engagement party meant long, tedious shopping sprees. They had already made a checklist with everything they needed to buy not only for them, but for the entire family!

We stuffed ourselves in two cars and drove off to Mantri mall. Dragging Amrita and Amay along with us was one hard task to accomplish.

That girl really has no problem in showing up to the party in jeans and an Iron Maiden tee.

We bolted into Soch to get all the girls their Gaghra Cholis. Within a matter of 15 minutes, Rutu and Naina walked out of the trial room wearing the most beautiful suits I had ever seen. They looked so gorgeous.

Next, Amrita, who was sitting in the corner, listening to music, was pushed forcefully into the trial room.

“I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS!” She shouted as we all laughed at her helplessness.

“Don’t worry Ammi. We’ll give you the dresses, you just try them on!” Ajji replied.

 After a good twenty minutes and some intense bickering from Ammi’s side, she chose a simple, yet elegant orange Salwar kameez.

“Kill me now.” She said when she stepped out of the trial room.

“Who are you?” Amay said. He was having a lot of fun watching his sister and all her dramas.

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