Going To Diagon Alley with Hagrid - Chapter 2

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Slightly edited - 29th May

Its the 30th of July and me and Harry turn 11 tomorrow. We dont make a big deal out of it though because Vernon never does anything for our birthday's.

Right now, me and Harry are awake in our 'Holiday home' (more like a house on a rock in the middle of no where), waiting for it to be midnight. We're here because a crazy thing happened where there was lots of owls and letter's on Sunday's. Crazy!

So here we are. Its 23:59 and its about to be our birthday. Joy! *note the sarcasm*

00:00. Officially 11. Woop Woop!

"Make a wish Harry." I whispered so our family wouldn't wake up.

He shut his eyes and blew away the dirt. I guess he made his wish.

I did the same and we smiled at each other. I think Harry was about to speak but was cut off by a loud thudding sound, coming from the door. The door was knocked off its hinges and a silhouette of a giant man stood in the doorway. Me and Harry hide behind a wooden beam, Dudley had a mini heart attack, Petunia hid behind Vernon and he pointed a gun at him.

"Sorry 'bout that." The man said and lifted the door back up.

"I demand you leave at once! This is trespassing!" Vernon yells and starts to turn purple from rage.

The man walked over to him and bent the gun backwards so it was pointing at the ceiling.

"Wow 'arry you sure 'ave got bigger since I last saw ya. Especially around the belly." He says to Dudley. I burst out laughing and the man looked at me.

"'Ello Harper!" He yells.

"Hey! Who are you and why are you so happy?" I chuckle.

"'Arry, 'arper, come sit down and I'll tell ya." He said, looking at me and Dudley.

"I...I'm n....not Harry." Dudley stutters, his voice filled with fear.

"I'm Harry." Harry said, stepping out from behind the beam.

"Well of course your 'arry. Look at ya! You've got ya mums eyes." The man said to Harry.

"'Ere you are you two. I might 'ave sat on it but it should still taste fine. He said,pulling a box out from behind him.

He had a big bushy beard that swayed whenever he moved or talked. He was also extremely tall and towered over me easily, but he still had a friendly vibe radiating off of him.

Harry took the box and opened it to reveal a cake that said happy birthday in pink icing. It looked delicious.

"I made it myself, letters and all." He said proudly.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Harry questioned politely.

"Rubeus Hagrid, the game keeper at 'ogwarts, but I'm sure you two know all about 'ogwarts." Hagrid said.

"Sorry?" Me and Harry said in unison, shaking our heads no.

"Well didn't you Eva wonder where your mum and dad learnt it from?" He asked.

"Learnt what?" I asked

"You are a wizard 'arry, you two 'arper." He said.

"But we cant be wizards. Im just... Harry! Plain, boring Harry!"

"Shut up just Harry! Right if our parents were wizards, how did they die in a car crash? Couldnt they just use a spell or something?" I asked.

"A car crash! A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?! No no no!" The man yelled.

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