End of year dance - Chapter 9

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It's almost end of my first year and guess what.... There is a school dance! It's been a month since the Goyle incident and I have recovered quite well.

Hermione and Lavender have been trying to find a date to the dance but I don't really care about it. I've been asked by a couple of huffle puff or Ravenclaws but I rejected them. I prefer to be alone.

Right now I'm sitting in then common room with Ron, Hermione and Harry. You can tell I'm the one in charge kind of. No one wants to piss me off because obviously, I'm a bitch.

"Hey Harper can I talk to you a second?" Seamus asked.
"Okay then." I sighed and jumped up. We walked into the corner.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the-" I cut him off.
"Sorry. I'm not going with anyone. I prefer to be by myself. Sorry mate." I patted his back then skipped back to the group.
"Why does everyone ask you Harp? No one has asked me." Hermione sulked.
"Ron can I talk to you a second?" I asked and shot up.
"I'm not asking you to the dance I just need a word with you." He seemed less happy but still followed.

"What was it Harp?" He asked.
"You need to take Granger to the dance. You don't need to be lovey Dovey just like dance with her." I explained.
"No way!" He exclaimed.
"Ron your going with her. If you don't... Well I don't think you wanna know what I would do." I smiled innocently.
"You really do care for her don't you." He smiled.
"She's the closest thing I have to a sister." I smiled and skipped off.
"Hermione." Ron sat back down.
"Yes Ronald."
"Would you like to go to the dance to me?" He actually seemed quite nervous.
"Yes! I mean I'm yeah sure." I smiled at them.
"Harp whatever you did, it worked." Harry smiled.
"Hermione let's go get ready!" I dragged her upstairs.

"What are you wearing Granger?" I asked. She pulled out a lovely black sequin dress that would suit her well. She got dressed and I curled her hair.
"Thanks Potter! Now your turn!" She squealed.
"You go it starts soon. Tell the boys I will meet them at the dance." She smiled then left. I got the dress that Malfoy got me. It actually fit perfect. It was mid thigh and tight around my waist. I lightly curled my hair and added the black lipstick, black nail varnish and mascara. I wore the shoes he got me as well. I looked nice. I smiled at my reflection.

When I opened the doors to the great hall (where the dance is being held) a lot of people stared at me. I smiled as I walked up to Harry.
"Oh Merlin Harper you look amazing!" Hermione squealed.
"So do you darlin." I smiled at her. Hermione scowled at the person behind me. But who would that-
"Hello Potters!" They sneered. I turned around and his mouth was open. He was definitely shocked. I was too. He was wearing the suit I bought him.
"You said you got rid of it!" He exclaimed.
"It's simple Draco, I lied. I only kept it because it was nice. Not because of you." I flicked my hair over my shoulder and walked off.

"Hey Neville." I smiled.
"Hey Harper. You look pretty." He blushed.
"Thanks Nev. You don't look to bad yourself." He was about to reply but I was dragged away.
"Hey! Get off me!" I thrashed about but it was no use.

"Potter! You don't flirt with other boys!" He exclaimed.
"It's none of your business who I talk or flirt with Malfoy!" I yelled.
"Yes it is my business! You didn't read my note did you. It was attached to your dress!" He smirked.
"What are you on about!" I hit his chest.
"It said, if you wear the dress, your mine." His smirk widened.
"I'm not yours! I'm not your girlfriend!" I yelled.
"No of course we aren't dating! Your just not allowed to flirt with other boys. You should have read it. And if you don't agree, I'll beat up every boy and after a while, you."
Here's the end of my life!
"We are in different houses so you won't be able to see if I talk to other boys. Plus my brother and my best mate are boys and I have to talk to them." I pointed out.
"There will be someone who will watch over you when I can't. You can talk to them but any funny business I will be told. So let's go have fun." We walked back in and separated.
"Hey Seamus." I waved at him.
"Hey beautiful." He smirked.
"How's your night been?" I asked.
"Do you wanna dance Harper?" He asked. Before I could reply, arms went around my waist and the familiar sent of bitter sweet mint flooded my nostrils. He digged his head into the crook of my neck and said,

Seamus seemed horrified.
"Get off my Malfoy!" I yelled but he didn't. He lifted me up carried me over to a seat. He sat me on his lap and still had his head in the crook of my neck. He kept mumbling the word, mine, into my neck. It as weird.
"Stop Malfoy I need to talk to Harry." I tried to get up but his grip tightened.
"No it's up to me when you leave! You're staying right here. MINE!" He yelled and the Slytherins around us chuckled.
"It isn't like you have a mark on me!" I yelled back. He smirked and started sucking my neck.
"What are you doing!" I tried pushing him off but he continued.

"Draco it hurts!" I whined when he stopped.
"Mine." He whispered then let me go. I ran up to Harry and he looked at me in disappointment.
"What?" I asked.
"Who gave you a hickey." He moved my hair to inspect where Draco had 'left his mark'.
"Well I didn't read the fine print of the dress. It said if I wear it I become Draco's. Not his girlfriend but still his. He left a mark on me telling everyone I'm his so I don't flirt with other boys." I sighed.
"Well you got yourself into this, you get yourself out." Harry shrugged.

Thanks Harry. Thanks a lot

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