Meeting the 'Dark Lord' - Chapter 12

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It's been a week since I became Mrs Malfoy. My name may be Harper Malfoy but at school I want to still be called Potter. I love my family and I intend to grow up a Potter.

"Harper get dressed nicely. We are having a visitor soon. Dress up." Narcissa yelled. She sounded stressed. I went to my wardrobe and picked a dark blue dress with dark blue flats. I curled my hair slightly.

I was looking in the mirror when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said as I clasped a necklace round my neck. It was also blue. I turned around and saw Draco wearing a suit like the one at our wedding.

"Harper your not gonna like who's coming but please try to stay polite." He looked stressed out.

"Why who is it?" I asked as I straightened his white tie.

"I can't say but don't do anything unless your told to." He ran his fingers through his hair. He does that when his nervous.

"Alright I won't just calm down okay." I patted his back then we went down stairs. We sat in a meeting like room and I almost fainted from the sight. Death eaters... Everywhere.

"Ah, Draco." He said.

"Who's this." He asked.

"I think you know who I am Voldemort." I snarled. Bella stood up and pointed her wand at me and I did the same.

"Stupify!" I yelled and shot the spell at her. She went flying into a wall. She laid there unconscious.

"How have you been child?" Voldemort asked as if nothing had happened.

"Shit now if you don't mind." People gasped at my language and I went to walk out but Draco blocked me.

"Draco unless you want me to shove your wand where the sun don't shine I suggest you move." I threatened. Fear flashed in his eyes but he refused to move.

"Draco..." I said but he stood his ground.

"Good job Draco! Controlling woman such as Potter's are such an easy task though." Voldemort sneered. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at him.

"I know your still weak." I whispered.

"Harper." Draco put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breathe and lowered my wand.

"You are very skilled Harper. Bellatrix is one of my strongest followers and look at her." Voldemort pointed his ugly finger at the woman on the floor.

"She killed one of my best friends parents. She deserves death. You killed my parents... You deserve torture. You lucky your little followers are here and I have not back up or you would be dead right now Tom."

"Harper that is enough!" Narcissa yelled at me.

"Oh shut up lady!" I growled at her

"Draco control your mut." Lucius snarled and I pointed my wand at him.

"Stupify!" I yelled again and sent him tumbling.

"So I hear your a Malfoy now. They are my most devoted followers." Voldemort commented.

"I will never join you. I may be a Malfoy but I don't want to be one. I am and always will be a Potter." I declared then went to storm out the room again. When Malfoy blocked me this time I punched him in the face and stomach the threw him across the room.

"Never mess with a Potter people. You'll regret it." With that I left. People called after me and sent spells my way but I dodged them with ease.

I trudged up to my room and screamed into my pillow. There was a faint knock on the door then Narcissa let herself in.

"Darling I'm sorry about what happened downstairs." Narcissa sat on the end of my bed.

"It's fine sorry about making your sister and husband go unconscious but I warned Draco so that was his problem not mine." I sighed.

"By the way Bella will be staying her a while so you and Draco are sharing a room because thi was originally Bella's. Sorry" She apologies. I nod.

"It's fine. Better than the floor right?" I smiled. She chuckled then Draco ran in.

"Mother the Dark Lord wishes to see you." He panted. We all ran down stairs and when we entered I saw harry on the floor screaming in pain.

"HARRY!" I screamed. Voldemort was using the crutious curse. I pulled out my wand and yelled,

"expelliarmus!" His wand flew into the air and I caught it. I ran to Harry, dodging curses as I ran. I picked up his limp figure and ran to the chimney. I grabbed some Floo Powder and screamed,

"Dumbledore's office!"

"Harper? Harry?" He jumped slightly.

"Help him!" I yelled as he rushed over. Snape barged in and took Harry whilst I stayed here to calm down.

"Take this, I'm getting Narcissa and Draco." I said as I threw Voldemorts wand to him. I disappeared again and returned to Malfoy manor. I ran into the meeting room crying and shot spells at every death eater I saw.

"Returned have we?" Bella laughed and shot a spell towards me. I dodged it with ease and shot an non verbal one back at her. I bumped into Narcissa and Draco and forced Narcissa to apperate us.

"Nice to see you again Draco, Mrs Malfoy." Dumbledore greeted. Both mine and Narcissa's heads looked up and he eyed us before sighing.

"Harper what did you do." He sighed.

"Nothing!" I protested.

"Why are you a Malfoy then?!" He yelled. I flinched at his sudden rise in volume.

"I was forced okay. I mean I am 13! Why would I marry now?" I yelled and ran out of his office.

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