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"STUPIFY!" I heard a feminine voice yell. Hermione.

"Why'd you stop him! I'm hated! I shouldn't be here!" I screamed, my hair still blood red.

"Because you don't deserve to die! I mean Voldemort is still alive! You can't leave with him still alive! What would Harry do! He would be devastated!" She yelled, anger evident in her voice. A lone tear streaked down my cheek. My hair almost instantly went from blood red to a royal blue colour (In the media!). I just stormed out of the hall, and was greeted by a massive crowd of students and professors.

"You can go back in now." I mumbled as the crowd parted, allowing me to walk through. The great hall's doors swung open and an angry Draco stormed into the corridor of students.

"What the hell was that?!" He screamed up at me. I pealed the diamond ring off of my finger and threw it at him.

"I'm 13. I'm Harper Lily Potter, the girl who live. Not a Malfoy. I never will resort to that. You can take your ring and marry Pansy or something. Hopefully your kid will be friends with mine and we can be friends in the future. Until then, I don't want to ever talk to you again." I said emotionless. He caught the ring, a pitied look etched on his features. I just walked up the stairs to Gryffindor tower. Everyone always sees silence as no sound what-so-ever. But not for me. The silence that floated around the entire castle was deafening. Hermione thought she was saving me but really she's causing more pain for me to live through. The song, Lost it all echoed in my mind. See, back in the easy days, I listened to musicians like Black Veil Brides, Bring Me The Horizon and Panic! At the disco. I guess it was because the words held meaning behind them.

Then I lost it all,

Dead and broken,

My backs against the wall.

Cut me open,

I'm just trying to breathe,

Just trying to figure it out,

Because I built these walls To watch them crumbling down.

Back in the easy days, I never really understood the words of that song. That was until I had learned all the hell I've lived through and are now living. I'm 13. I should be crushing on celebrities, not practising transfiguration. I should be watching t.v, not getting married. I always knew I was different from other girls. They coated their faces in make up and wore push up bra's. They always wished to be more grown up or to just become an adult.

But me? Nah. I always knew that childhood is something precious. I used to be best friends with this boy called Kevin Powers. He was an outcast. Different from everyone else. I related to him. He had an older brother called Marcus. Marcus was always the loner kid at school. He was 15 I think when he taught me to not grow up to quickly. He always had scratches on his arms. Some were new, others merely a scar. He used to tell me it was their dog but I knew better. I didn't know what was going on since I was only 10 or 11. He was writing a letter once when I came round. I asked who it was too and he said it was a secret, but I could read it tomorrow. Obviously I was oblivious to what was going on. I just nodded excitedly and bragged all day the next day at school that Marcus was writing me a super amazing letter. I was so excited for it. As soon as I got home, I went next door to Kevin's. He wasn't in school and neither was his brother so I thought they had a cold. I knocked and a sad Mother answered the door. I asked her what was wrong. "Marcus has left Harper. He left you a letter, would you like it?" She smiled sadly. I happily agreed and she took me into the living room. I used to think Marcus was a spy or something so I just thought he was on a secret mission. My poor 10 year old self cried all night that night.

Dear Harper,

I'm going on a secret mission squirt. I'm going to heaven to meet God and Jesus! Remember the scratches that Dolly gave me? She didn't. All the horrible people did. I know you're a strong little girl. I just wasn't strong enough to stay with you. Keep my mummy and daddy and Kev happy angel. Look after them for me. When you're old enough, you'll know what has happened but for now it's top secret.

Don't waste your childhood. I want you to stay young for as long as you can. Stay strong and don't let the meanies get to you. Don't ever do what I have done. Stay happy baby girl. Make sure Harry's happy too. I'll say Hello to your parents too. I'll even tell them all the good things you've done for your brother. I don't wanna see you up here until you're old. Even older then fat old Marge.

I love you princess. This is the secret letter Harp. I just want you to know you're so special. You're a beautiful, smart girl who will go far with life and you are gonna have bad people come into your life. Don't let them bring you down. I love you like a little sister Harper and will always be with you. In your heart. Don't let me down. Prove to me your as amazing as I think you are an live a long happy life. See ya later squirt



I finally understood what he meant. He didn't want me to out like he did. He didn't want me to end it all. He wants me to grow old and have kids and a happy life. I can't grow up too fast. I promised Marcus that. I could at least try to keep it.

"See you later Marcus. Not yet. I promise I'll be older than fat old Marge before I go out. I bet we didn't expect my life to go like this. I'm not giving up Marcus. Not until I'm an old lady. I definitely won't let anyone change that. I hope I'm keeping you proud." I smiled and wiped the few tears that had escape as I walked into my dorm and collapsed onto my bed. I know one things for sure. I'll be keeping that promise.


Hey guys! So a chapter is out! The FINAL chapter. I know that may shock you but every story has it's end. And that is this story's end. Did you like it? I know it was a kind of sad chapter and mainly backstory but if you have any questions, comment them below! Don't forget to vote. Love y'all!

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