Ive become weak - Chapter 7

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Authors note - this chapter is short, sorry.

Christmas has gone and Spring is here. It's may now and I haven't talk to any Malfoy since. Today, I dong know why but I'm in a bad mood so I dress the part of annoyed. I wear black skinny jeans, a black belly top, the small black heels Draco got me and the lipstick he bought me. I looked in the mirror and smiled, remembering the happiness in his eyes on Christmas morn. He looked like he should, a normal kid, not a bully.

"Hey Harp, what's up with you." Ron slung his arm over my shoulder.
"Dunno really just pissed off at the world. Let's get some lunch."
"I have to wait for Harry but we will meet you there okay?" I nodded and left. I walked down the silent halls by myself, the only thing being heard I'd my heels.

When I walked into the hall, eyes fell onto me. Boys looked at me with lust in their eyes and girls looked slightly jealous of my bad girl look.
"Move." I said to a couple snogging. They didn't listen.
"If I have to repeat myself I'll make sure you can never kiss again." I growled and they scrambled to their feet. Everyone was silent.
"What you looking at? Huh?" I spat and they immediately went back to their conversation.
"What's up with you?" Seamus asked.
I sent him a threatening glare and he put his hands up in surrender.
"Okay okay! Just because it's your period-" I cut him off by jumping on his chest, causing him to tumble over, and hexed him.
"Nice moves potter." Said a voice I haven't heard in a while. I stood up and turned around.
"Don't talk to me Malfoy." I spat and sat back down.
"Are you still upset by our little-" his smirk disappeared when he looked down, then back up at my face.
"Your wearing them." He whispered, obviously shocked and I don't think I was supposed to hear.
"I feel depressed today so these shoes made the cut. Also black lipstick really suits me. Don't think your special, I shredded the dress." I lied. I still have it in the box he gave it to me in.
"You loved that dress though." He had something more then hate in his eyes, hurt possibly. No it couldn't be, could it?
"Well things change Malfoy. Just like your mothers and fathers opinion of me. They were obviously mistaken and realised that our connection was no more then hate." There was no emotion in my voice which I think hurt him more.
"Very well then. Goyle go teach her a lesson." He turned away quickly as Goyle picked me up.

"Why are we in a spare class room Goyle?" I sighed
"Your going to be taught a lesson Potter." He slowly walked towards me but when he reached me his intentions were clear.
"Goyle don't-" he cut me off with his tongue....

"Harper you look awful what happened?" Fred asked, worry clear in his voice.
"N-N-Nothing!" I stuttered and looked away. My eyes wear blood shot and tears stained my cheeks.
I was early to my potion class but when Draco, Crabbe and Goyle walked in I jumped slightly. Crabbe looked confused as did Draco and Goyle glared at me. I couldn't take it no more. I ran out of the class, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. I ran into the girls bathroom and cried.
"What's the matter?" A ghost girl asked.
"Nothing I'm fine." I said as bluntly as possible.
"No your not."
"I am "
"Fuck off!" I screamed and she left. I guess I'm alone again.

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