Confused? - Chapter 4

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Authors note - Just wanted to say go check out a book called I slapped the bad boy. Its really good and I've almost finished reading the squeal. Vote, Comment and Follow if you like. Don't feel like you have to. Also I'm going to put her outfit in the media every chapter. If you start to not like it then please tell me.

I ended up sharing a room with Hermione and a girl called Lavender who insisted that we call her Lav so I call her Squirrel. She looks just like a squirrel but she doesn't really like it. She doesn't say she don't like it because I scare her so she plasters a fake smile on but I see straight through her mask of happiness. I use one myself so its easy to decipher. I smirk every time I call her it. So now my acquaintances nicknames are: Granger, Squirrel and Pea brain. If you didn't know, Pea brain is Ron.

I woke up with Lavender on top of me yelling that I wake up. I pushed her of me and said,

"I know you Squirrels like to wake up early but I don't. Go bother Ron."

That instantly got Granger's attention.

"Why would she bother Ron?" She giggled nervously.

I stood up and put my arm over the closest thing I consider a friend. Lavender ignored Hermione and said,

"Does he ever talk about me?" She had a hint of hope in her voice.

"Granger has more of chance getting him then you Squirrel." I said whilst rolling my eyes. I knew both girls liked him, even though they had never really had proper conversation with him.

"Why? I'm prettier than her." She whined. I clenched my fist and my hair was tinted red slightly so it was now burgundy.

"No actually. Hermione is a lot better than you all round. I know his last name is Weasley but that doesn't mean he wants a rodent as a girl friend." I growled. Hermione laughed and Lavender scowled at me.

"I'm no rodent! I'm as beautiful as a model I'll have you know." She spat whilst standing up.

"Haha nice jokes Squirrel. Any way I doubt he even wants a girl friend. We haven't even been here 24 bloody hours!" I chuckled.

"Yes she's making a good point Lav plus I don't even like him like that anyway so lets not argue over him. Lets just get ready and go down to breakfast." Hermione smiled and my hair turned back to it original colour.

"Granger?" I asked.

"Yes Potter." She giggled. Its our thing to call each other by our last names.

"Is there a spell to change hair colour?"

"Yes, why?" She asked.

"Because I have always wanted darker hair but still brown, you know. The Dursleys never let me dye it so I wanna do it now. Can you change it for me?" I explained.

"Yeah of course." She exclaimed and pulled out her wand.

She muttered a spell and my hair got a couple shades darker.

"Thanks Granger! It even curled itself!" I hugged her briefly. Then abruptly let go.

"Don't tell anyone about that!" I yelled. Lavender was in a shower so she couldn't see or hear us.

"My lips are sealed. You smell really nice you know. What is it?" She asked.

"Oh I hate the thought of smelling bad so before bed I spray My Pyjamas and my body with this blackberry and Raspberry spray. I was about to more on now if you wanna borrow some." I offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed.

"Wow. That's the nicest you have ever been Potter." She smiled.

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