Protection - Chapter 8

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Draco Malfoy's POV

"What was that all about?" I asked Harry.

"I don't know. I should go check on her." I felt like her sadness was some how caused by me. I haven't done anything to her so why did I feel this way.

"I'll go. Snape will just be annoyed at you more Potter." I ordered my goons to stay as I look around for her. As I was about to give up searching I heard her voice. She yelled at someone to Fuck off. I chuckled slightly.

"Myrtle?" I questioned as I causiously walked into the bath room. I saw Myrtle sulking in a corner.

"Have you seen Harper anywhere Myrtle?" I said rather harshly. She may be a ghost but she was still a mud blood.

"She's in the loo crying. I asked her whats wrong and she yelled at me!" She yelled.

"Thanks" I mumbled. I heard a quiet whimpering sound coming from a stall. I knew it was her.

"Harper. I know your in there."

"Piss Off! I've had enough of you and your goons." Her voice cracked as she spoke. I never would admit it but I had always loved her voice. Her laugh. It saddened me to hear her like this.

"I'm by myself and I promise I'm just here to talk." I heard a clicking sound as the door slowly opened. She looked side to side to see if anyone else was there. No one was. I looked at her and saw how bloodshot her eyes were. They were red too from crying. All the colour was drained out of her face and she was shaking. I couldn't help what happened next. I hugged her, tightly. She jumped slightly bt after a minute she relaxed and cried on my shoulder. I rubbed her back and whispered things to her like,

"Everything is fine."

"Your fine."

"Nothings happened."

After a few minutes she had calmed down. I sat on the cold floor with her as she looked into my eyes. Sadness was there but there was something else too. Something clouded by her sorrow. It looked like, Fear? No it couldn't be. Potter's don't get afraid.

"Whats wrong Harper?" I asked softly.

"I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled.

"Harper I can't help you if-" She cut me off.

"I don't want your Help Malfoy. Your the one that's made me like this. Weak," She silently cried and I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

"Please Harper I want to help you."

"CAN YOU REVERSE TIME MALFOY? DIDN'T THINK SO!" She yelled. It caught me off guard.

"Please just-" I was cut off again.

"Goyle happened Malfoy. He- He." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"He what."

"HE RAPED ME! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU TOLD HIM TO PUNISH ME!" I couldn't believe my ears. Here was a Potter, standing in front of me, broken. This is the first time I've seen Harper look so... Vulnerable.

"Come on Harper. Lets take you to your brother."

"HE DID WHAT?!" Ron screamed when I told him.

"Please don't make me repeat it." I sighed.

"Malfoy why are you talking to Gryffindorks?" Goyle chuckled. I felt anger wash over me. I grabbed my wand and hexed him to oblivion. If I didn't do it, one of these would have. Once he was on the floor, I straightened out my clothes and walked back to Harper.

"Harper I know I'm a Slytherin who you're supposed to hate but-" I was cut off when her warm arms wrapped around my neck. She digged her head into the crook of my neck and whispered,

"Thank you Draco." I smiled at her when she let go.

"Now I best be off. Be careful Harper." I walked off, feeling rather proud of myself. I just stood up for a Gryffindor, and I don't regret a thing.

Authors note - Hope you enjoyed this small chapter. Sorry it's short guys. Also I wanted to say R.I.P to an amazing man who was an absolute legend. R.I.P, Alan Rickman. I have enjoyed watching him in Harry Potter and will never be forgotten. Also did you like me writing in Malfoy's P.O.V and should I do it more. Let me know.

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