Chapter 3

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Clary's POV

I looked at Jace. He looked horrible! He had these bags underneath his eyes, and his hair was ruffled. It honestly looked like he hasn't slept in days. Izzy ran over and tackled me to the ground. "CLARY!!" she screamed. "IZZY!!" I screamed back. I let go and walked over to Alec. He gave me a hug and said, "Glad to see you again."  I nodded and went over to hug Magnus. "Welcome back, biscuit." I giggled and went to stand next to Dylan.

I saw Sasha eyeing Dylan up and down, and I wanted to bitch-slap her across the face. Dylan must've noticed me staring daggers at Sasha, because he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. He pulled back and smirked, looking at Jace. Jace was literally fuming, and glaring at him. I tried to stifle a laugh, but failed. Maryse then broke the tension. "Alright, we have ten rooms ready. Go and pick out which one you would like to stay in."

The Ravenwoods nodded and went up the elevator. I went with them, and headed towards my old room. Dylan chose his room right next to mine. I went inside my room and stared at the pink walls. This won't do. Way too girly. I sighed and went to Izzy's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" she yelled.

I went in to see pink and zebra print everywhere. "Hey Iz. I need to go shopping cause my room is way too girly for my liking." Her eyes literally bulged out of her eye sockets. "Is Clary asking me to go shopping with her? Who are you and what have you done to Clary?"

I shrugged. "Yes, I am asking you, Iz. People can change over three years." Her eyes glistened and she all but dragged me out of the institute. We went to the mall and I entered a paint store.

When I went in, I went in search of a deep purple and an extremely light green. When I had found the shades, I purchased them and headed out. I looked for Izzy in Victoria's Secret because, come on, it's Izzy we're talking about.

Like I suspected, I found her around the lingerie section. "Alright Iz. Let's go." she pouted and made puppy dog eyes. "Please, Clary? Can we stay longer?" I tried to avoid her gaze because I knew that I looked into her eyes, I would give in.

Too late.

I sighed. "Fine, Iz. But only if you don't buy me anything." Although my fashion sense had changed over the years, I still knew better than to let Izzy buy me stuff, like lingerie and short dresses that barely cover anything. She squealed and dragged me out of the store, and into Aeropostale. She had me pick out clothes for her, and after that we went to get Starbucks. White girls love their Starbucks. (No offense to anyone.)

After Starbucks was even more shopping with Izzy. By the time we finished, I could barely feel my legs. I had ten of Izzy's bags and Izzy had another ten. She, however, was still energetic. I finally convinced her to take us back to the institute, and I silently prayed to the Angel Raziel 'thank you'. When we arrived, Mason was frantically pacing the grounds. "Mason!" I called out to him.

His head shot up and looked at me. He rushed over and hugged me. "I thought you were kidnapped!" he exclaimed into my hair. I chuckled. "Nope. I was out with the Shopping Machine." I said, referring to Izzy. This time it was his turn to chuckle. "It's cold out here. Imma go in." I went on to see everyone sitting at the dining table.

"Clary!" Riley exclaimed. "By the Angel! We thought you got kidnapped! We sent Mason outside to see if you were gonna come back." She embraced me into a hug.

Izzy cleared her throat. "I hate to break the reunion but how long are you guys staying here?" she asked hopefully. "About a month or so," I answered. Her smile visibly faded. "Oh. Only a month, huh."

I now felt bad so I went over and hugged her and promised to visit at least once a month. This made her only a little happier, but happier nonetheless. "I'm gonna go upstairs and repaint my walls." I said. They nodded and I went to my room. I sighed and began painting the walls a deep purple, with light green borders. When I was done, I went into the kitchen.

"We got Taki's," said Maryse. "Get anything you want." So the Ravenwoods and I pigged out while everyone just stared. Mason and Dylan were trying to hold in their laughter, but were failing miserably.

"What?" I asked, my mouth still full of food. "Never seen hungry people before?" The Lightwoods chuckled and began pigging out with us. After the meal, I went up to my room and changed into a black sports bra, black spandex, and a pair of black Nikes. I took my iPod and earbuds and headed towards the training room, Riley right behind me. We entered and I immediately went towards the knives and daggers. I chose a dagger and turned around, facing a target about 15 feet away. I got into my stance and threw the dagger, smirking when it made its mark.

I didn't realize I had an audience and when I turned around, I saw them staring at me. I smirked again and said sarcastically, "Well, I'm the best female shadowhunter for a reason." Their jaws dropped even farther- if that was even possible.

I sighed, shaking it off and went towards the beam. I have been trying to nail a backflip on the beam for a few weeks now. I stood up and gained my balance. I took a deep breath, as everyone was watching me. I swung my arms and kicked my feet over my head. I landed a little wobbly, but I still made it. I jumped off the beam and went to hug Riley, who was jumping up and down, squealing. "OMG Clary!! You finally did it!"

Dylan came over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Great job babe." he told me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha and Jace looking jealous. I thanked him and went to the center of the room. "Since New York has demon problems, we came here to fix it. So tonight, we're going demon hunting." I announced. "Where are we going?" asked Jace the Jackass.



Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I will make a chapter about Christmas about a week before Christmas. Thanks for reading, and good night!!💕💕😘✨✨

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