Chapter 7

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Clary's POV

I woke up, gasping. I vaguely remember someone touching my cheek. It certainly didn't feel like Jace's hands, I thought. Then, I suddenly looked around. My eyes darted from corner to corner, taking in the sight of the room. It looked fit for a queen!

I lay atop a queen sized bed with a floral design, lime green curtains hanging from above. To my left was a cherry colored drawer, with a lamp with designs of a sun rising. On my right, was an enormous walk-in closet.

I got up and walked over to it. I threw open the doors, and the sight left me speechless. There, inside the closet, was rows upon rows of clothes! There were dressed in every shape and size and color, and striking shoes. This was like an indoor shopping mall right inside your room! I walked back out, remembering that this place was unfamiliar.

Suddenly on alert, I paced the grounds anxiously, trying to find a weapon of any kind I could use to defend myself. I walked to the door and turned the knob, expecting it to turn. It didn't. Apparently, it's locked from the outside. I groaned in frustration, and ran my fingers through my hair, a habit I had gotten from Jace. It was then that I realized I had been bleeding.

I frantically searched my pockets, looking for my phone. Damn it! I thought. I could've sworn I had it with me!

Yes, I sleep with my phone. Don't judge. Someone must've come to take away my only chance of escaping this hellhole. Then, the door opened, and he came in.

"Hello, dear sister."

Jace's POV

I wake up at seven the next morning, doing my usual routine. I went to go check on Clary because, honestly, that was the first time I hadn't slept with her. (I know what you're thinking-DON'T BE LIKE THAT😆)

I knocked on her door. No sound came from inside. Puzzled, I went in, as Clary has always gotten up at seven since she came back, and right now was well over eight o'clock. The sight shocked me, and paralyzed me.

The blanket was in heaps on the floor, and  shards of glass laid everywhere. But Clary was no where to be seen.

"IZZY!! ALEC!!" I cried, breaking down. This can't be happening! I had only just gotten Clary back, I can't afford to lose her again! Yes, that sounds cheesy, but at this point I didn't really care.

Izzy and Alec both came immediately, rubbing sleep out of their eyes. "By the Angel, what the Hell do you want, Jace?" Izzy yawned. "You're not the only one who needs some beauty sleep." Alec glared at her and motions to me. "Look at Jace!! He's freaking crying for Angel's sake!" Izzy looked appalled.

"But that can't be! The only time he cried was when..." she slowed her words, realizing what happened. "Clary had disappeared." she finished. Izzy's eyes were full of panic now, and her eyes wandered Clary's room. "Clary is gone!!" I sobbed. Yes, I know, not very manly of me.

"Look at the room! There's glass everywhere, and it looks like she's been dragged out of bed!" I cried, putting my head in my hands. Izzy's face looked like she was going to cry, but being the strong girl she is, she held it in. "Alec, go call Magnus immediately. I'll get the others up." Alec nodded and went to notify Magnus.

After Izzy left, I locked myself in Clary's room, trying to take in everything that happened. I can't lose her again, I thought.

Not now, not ever.

A/N: So, this book only has a few more chapters left, and I might do a sequel about them (insert future stuff).

Anyways, I wanted to remind you guys that the sequel - if there is gonna be one - is going to be on my second account lost_melodies because I stupidly forgot the password to this account.

By the way, did you guys see Shadowhunters?💋💋❤️❤️😍😍 IT WAS AMAZING!! IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED IT YET YOU SHOULD GO WATCH IT LIKE, RIGHT NOW.

Also, I might write another Shadowhunter book, this one is going to be called "Secrets". PLEASE DO NOT COPY ANYTHING FROM THE SUMMARY OR THE BOOK. Here is the summary/explanation thingy:

Melody Penrose is just your average 12 year old. Well, as average as a 12 year old language master can get. Somehow, Melody is born with the ability to decipher any languages. Growing up, she always wondered why her last name was compound-unlike her friends at school- and why she had a birthmark of a rose on her left shoulder.

On the day of her 13th birthday, secrets are revealed. After a Ravenor demon crashes her party, Melody is thrown into the Shadow World. She struggles to adapt, and she can only trust herself, for her family are now lost.

Find sadness, anger, loneliness, friendship, and even love as Melody tries to relocate her parents.This is an adventure Melody won't forget.

Comment down below if you would like me to write the story. Also. PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY STORY.





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