Chapter 6

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Clary's POV

I woke up the next morning and felt myself engulfed in warmth. I turn around and see Jace there, sleeping peacefully. His tousled golden hair shines in the sunlight, his arm wrapped around my waist. I slowly and carefully untangle myself and get up. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth, and get changed. By now, Jace is already awake.

"Morning, beautiful," he said.

"Morning to you too. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. He comes over and kisses me. He pulls away to rest his head atop my head. "There's nothing more I want. I have everything I could ever need." As always, Jace has a way with words. "We could go and get Taki's." I murmured, wrapping my arms around him. "Anything for you, beautiful," I blushed and took his hand in mine.

I dragged him out the room, and as soon as I shut the door behind me, Izzy sprang up from out of nowhere. "By the Angel, Izzy! You scared the living daylights out of me!" she ignored what I said and looked suspiciously at our entwined hands.

She clapped in delight as the realization hit her. "OMG!! CLACE IS BACK!!" If everyone wasn't awake before, they sure are now. Alec and Magnus stumbled out of their bedroom, rubbing their eyes. "What the Hell, Iz? People need their sleep!" Magnus exclaimed.

"You're gonna be awake when I tell you that..... CLACE IS BACK TOGETHER!!" Magnus was definitely awake now. His eyes widened and began jumping up and down, Izzy joining him only seconds after. They clutched each other's hands and began singing, "CLACE IS BACK TOGETHER!! CLACE IS BACK TOGETHER!!"

Jace and I just looked at each other, and I shrugged my shoulders, as if to say, hey what can you do? After Izzy and Magnus's little "fangirling" -as they called it- we all headed out to Taki's.

We went in, and instantly, - like a magnet- Kaelie rushed over to us and began flirting with Jace. Could she be anymore blind? "Want can I get you?" she asked in way that she though was seductive, batting her eyelashes at Jace. However, Jace only stared at me, completely ignoring Kaelie's failed attempts at flirting.

"Just the usual, and my girlfriend here would like an order of coconut pancakes." Jace replied after noticing Kaelie trying to shove her breasts into his face. I shuddered. The thought haunted me and I was glaring daggers at Kaelie right now.

As soon as Kaelie left, we sat down at a booth at the corner of the place. I sat by Jace, and he pulled me into his lap. "You're sexy when your jealous," he whispered into my ear. "It's fine, babe. I'm yours and only yours." I was probably tomato red right now, and I ducked my head trying to hide it.

Kaelie came back a few minutes later with our food. She left after, but not before she handed Jace her number and winked at him. Jace looked at her in disgust, mumbling something along the lines of "I'm gonna burn this number and take the ashes to the ocean."

I stifled a giggle and began eating my coconut pancakes. Mysteriously, Jace had pulled Alec outside for some "man talk", as Jace said. I found it peculiar because they couldn't talk about it here. Actually, I'm kind of glad now that they went outside. God knows what they would be talking about.

They came back a while later, Alex looking surprisingly happy. That's not normal for him; he's usually only really happy around Magnus. Ahh, young love.

We left Taki's after Jace and Alec finished their meals. They looked at each other often, having secret little conversations with their eyes. Maybe they have telepathy powers like Riley and Ryder I thought.

I only just now realized that I had been walking slowly, treading behind the group. Jace looked back at me, and waited for me to catch up.

"Hey, you doing all right?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine" I answered. I looked up at him. "What were you talking about with Alec?" I asked. He became rigid all of a sudden, and stopped walking. Oh no, was it something I said? Stupid, Clary. Of course it was something I said!

"Jace, are you okay?" I asked. One moment we were walking peacefully, and after I asked him a harmless question, he's rigid and tense. As if breaking out of a trance, he looked down at me. "Yeah, I'm fine babe. Listen, want to go on a date with this sexy dude tomorrow?" he asked, gesturing to himself. I slapped his arm playfully before laughing. "So is that a yes or a no?" he asked cockily.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, why not." I replied, and we walked the rest of the way back in silence, his hand in mine.

After we returned to the institute, I went up to Izzy and told her that I had a date with Jace tomorrow. She basically just squealed and yammered on and on about the dress, hair and makeup. Getting tired, I made my way to my room, and slept.

As I slept, I realized something wasn't right. There was this certain feeling of darkness in the air around me, a presence next to my bed. But I couldn't do anything. I was stuck in Dream World, and I didn't wake up until I felt something, no someone caressing my cheek. And I'll tell you that those are most definitely not Jace's hands.

As I felt a sack thrown over my head, I felt something snap inside of me.

Hello people, I bet y'all hate me for the cliffy. *cackles* *cough cough* Anyways, I'm super sorry about not updating. I have writers block!! Like, I know what I want to write for the next chapter, but I don't know how, if that makes sense.

Anyways, it's 2016!!! I wanted to tell you all right now that I have a second account lost_melodies  because I forgot the password to this one, and I can only get into this account on my phone. I'm telling you that I will be switching to that account permanently after I finish my two main books as of right now.

UPDATE: I figured it out! So no need but my second account is still up.

Anyways, toodles!!

Good night!! 😘😘❤️❤️✨✨

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