Chapter 14

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Clary's POV

I must've dozed off some point during my 'stay' at my dear ol' dad's house. More of a mansion, should I say. He probably has all these rooms to keep his various demons in place. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a paper saying, "You have permission to explore. However, if you try to escape, I'll have you in a room full of demons." I shuddered at the thought. Better not, I thought. I don't even have a weapon.

It was when I was able to get up out of the chair when I realized that my hands and feet weren't bound anymore. The ropes had left red marks on my wrists from when I attempted to free myself. I rubbed my wrists, wincing at the pain. I shook them out, and walked towards the door where the paper was taped on. I turned the knob and close the door behind me. I saw a hallway, 5 doors on the left side, 2 on the right along with a staircase, and a steel door that says "WARNING. DO NOT COME IN. IF I CATCH YOU, YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE TOMORROW."

Feeling a newfound confidence, I shrugged and walked towards the door. I mean, why not? There's no escape, not with demons prowling every inch of this place. I'd never make it out alive!

The door opened automatically as I was within range. I peered inside and gasped at what I saw. Cells upon cells of vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and fairies filled the vast room, each cell with only enough space for the victim to be inside. The Downworlders were chained to the wall behind the cell, silver manacles for the were, iron for they fey, ones that prevent magic for the warlocks, and the vampires were placed below windows with curtains, still allowing a little light to shine through. These people were being tortured to death!

Despite the tiny voice in my mind, I walked through the maze, my heart pounding in my chest. My footsteps echoed throughout the room and as I walked by, the occasional Downworlder would look up and whimper. Their eyes were filled with fear and as I got closer to the center of the room, I could see why.

There were 4 Downworlders, all placed against the wall. One of each kind; a vampire, a werewolf, a warlock, and a fey. Their wrists and ankles were bound by specialized cuffs. Their wrists were slit and blood was dripping into a bucket right underneath their hands. A syringe was placed into each of their necks. Their heads hung at an awkward angle, their eyes showing no sign of life.

The door suddenly whooped opened and I scrambled to find a hiding spot. I hid in the shadows, my back against the wall. My blood ran cold and the only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart. I tried to push my body back against the wall more, but I knew that it was physically impossible. The footsteps came nearer and I froze.

"She's not in here," I heard a familiar voice yell. "Although there's a lot of more people in here," I heard a feminine voice mutter under her breath. Wait a second... Could it be? Izzy?!

Just as I stepped out of the darkness, the footsteps faded away and I came out of my hiding spot. If Izzy's here, then the others must be as well! I jogged towards the door again, only to have it open again. This time, luck was not on my side.

I gasped. "V-Valentine... Hey there, buddy!" I say nervously. I forced a laugh. He, however, did not look amused. 

"Clarissa, what are you doing in here?" If I didn't know better, I'd say he was about this close to releasing his horde of demons on me. 

"Uhh.. y'know, just checking out some stuff..." He raised an eyebrow. Hah! Joke's on you! I can do that too! 

"And tell me, Clarissa, what you might be 'checking out' in here." He says menacingly.

"Uhh... I got lost and wanted to find the bathroom?"

He sighed. "There was a bathroom in the room you were locked in."

Suddenly, his arm shot out and grabbed my wrist. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. Yep, just add to the pain I felt when you bound my wrists with rope. 

"Do you mistake me for a fool, Clarissa?" His voice thundered. He spun me around, pinning my arm at an awkward angle behind my back. Pain shot through my arm, and suddenly, it was numb. Yep, it's probably broken. I opened my mouth to retort, but decided against it. He's gonna kill me anyways, might as well make it as painless as possible.

Just as he was about to drag me back to the room, the sound of glass breaking filled the air. His head whipped around, glancing downstairs. "Come, Clarissa." He dragged me down the stairs with him, and it's then when I see a chandelier on the ground, glass all around it. The light inside flickered out and the chain that held it to the ceiling was broken, clanging when it came into contact with the ground. 

Valentine looked around. "Show yourself!" he yelled. No sound. No footsteps. Not even a slight shadow. "Or Clarissa here dies!" This time, I saw a slight movement from behind the couch. He walked closer to it, and I silently prayed to the Angel Raziel that they had heard his footsteps and moved away to another spot. Assuming that it was Izzy, Alec, Magnus, Simon, and Jace, of course. Thankfully, no one was behind the couch. However, the leaves rustled from a few meters away. Valentine walked to it, me still trailing behind.

Again, no sign of life behind the potted plant. A woosh came from in front, and the next thing I knew, a blade was pressed against my neck. The sharp blade pressed into my neck,  making a slight cut. I winced, already feeling blood flow. "Come out if you don't want Clarissa here to die!"

Coming out from behind the wall was my dear friends. Well, this should be fun. Not.

A/N: I'm SO sorry about this extremely late update! I have finals coming up next week and the week after that, and I've been busy cramming for it. However this doesn't give me the excuse to not update. I'll have another update up this week, and I sense 2 more chapters until this book ends. *CRIES*

Anyways, don't be a silent reader! Comment, vote, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Mizpah! Ex oh ex oh

P.S. Sorry if this is short... I typed it at school...

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