Chapter 1

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A/N: thanks for stopping by and checking out my new book. I hope you enjoy!!

"Hey, nerd."

The words rang out from behind me. I didn't have to look to see who said it because I already knew. I also knew who he was talking to.


I roll my eyes and keep walking. "What do you want, Drew?"

Drew caught up to me easily. "Nothing much," he answers. "Just wondering if you finished the Stats assignment yet."

"Yeah, I did it," I sighed knowing what was coming next. We had this conversation often.

"Cool, can I copy?"


"Wait up." He reached for my arm to stop my retreat. "Why not?"

Drew's grip on me was firm. I never got used to the contrast of his light-tanned hand against my deep, brown skin. His large fingers fit around my entire bicep. It always irked me how familiar he was with me. Didn't he know the meaning of personal space? I pulled my arm from his grasp when he didn't readily let me go and turned to face him. He was some inches taller than me, so I had to look up to see his face. He regarded me with laughing, brown eyes that looked like globes of amber in his carefree, handsome face.

I adjusted my glasses and stared at him. "Why should I let you?"

"Why not? You let me before."

Okay, true. My involuntary nerd status made me a prime target for getting cheated off of by varsity athletes.

Drew was the only one I let actually copy my work. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because he's the only football player who doesn't act like he's doing me a favor by talking to me. I really liked that about him.  It was his one redeeming quality. And even though I tolerated Drew, this cheating thing was getting old.

"This wasn't supposed to be a permanent arrangement, Drew. I didn't expect you to think you could copy off me forever," I pointed out.

"I hate coming to you like this, but practice is seriously kicking my ass right now. I need your help on this, Ally. What will it take to get you to let me copy this assignment?"

"What do you mean?"

"You had my back a bunch of times in the past and I guess it's pretty selfish of me to ask you for something and not give anything in return. I know some of the other players pay people to do their work. So maybe I can pay you?" he asked, unsure.

I was stunned for a moment. I thought he was going to make a big deal about not giving him the assignment this time. I wasn't sure if I should be offended or flattered by his offer to bribe me.The offer appealed to me. Having Drew owe me was too good to pass up.

"Ok, I'll give you my homework, but I don't want money," I said as I moved my bag from my shoulders and looked inside.

"Then what do you want?" he asked.

"A favor. I don't need anything from you right now, but I might later, so for now, consider this an act of good faith. When I come to you to cash in the IOU, you can't refuse."

I paused my search to look at him over the rim of my glasses. His eyebrows creased. "You're not going to ask for the life of my firstborn or anything are you?"

I pulled out my homework folder and said, "No, nothing like that. There will be no murder involved." Found it. I grabbed the sheet of paper and offered it to him." Do we have a deal?"

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