Chapter 11

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He hesitated.

That one moment of inaction was the only sign that he had a problem with what I'd said. Or maybe I was reading too much into it. I moved from his lap so he could stand. He got up and unbuttoned his jeans in front of me. I watched him slide his zipper down and he pushed the denim to his feet, revealing thick, muscled thighs and navy blue boxer briefs. He paused.

"You want me to take these off, too?"

I stared at his groin and his erection pressing against his underwear and I realized I wasn't ready for all that yet. Slow and steady, Ally. There'll be time for that later.

"Keep the underwear on."

He raised a brow. "Chicken."

"Just hurry up."

"Excited to get into my pants? You should have said something sooner."

I was being honest, vulnerable and of course, being Drew, he was treating this like a joke. I got up. "Forget it."

He reached for me before I got far. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Don't go."

I nodded and he released me. He laid back on the bed like he was before and moved back into position. I looked at his middle and wondered how I was supposed to start. Did I just shove my hands under the elastic at his waist or should I go through the little peekaboo hole in the front?

I was starting to lose my nerve.

"You're thinking too much."

I raised my eyes to his and he met me with a relaxed stare. "There's no wrong way. Do what feels right to you."

With my eyes never leaving his face, I placed my hand just below the elastic at his waist and onto his hard-on. He leapt against my hand and I watched Drew close his eyes. The pained expression was back. I found the opening at the front and snaked my hand inside. I was met by warm hardness. The texture of him was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. My need to explore intensified.

"Is it okay if I take it out?" I asked.

Drew nodded. It was the first time he'd been quiet all night, using gestures instead of words.

I grabbed hold of him in my palm and carefully pulled his length out through the hole. I didn't want to look away from Drew's face but I had to see what I uncovered. My fingers shifted, maneuvering back and forth so I could view every inch from every angle.

I'd just gotten used to the feel of him when Drew reached up and closed his hand over mine, stilling my movements. My gaze jerked up and I found him staring back at me with hooded eyes and he gave me a look like he was done playing nice.

"I know I promised you could do whatever you wanted ... but this ... I thought it would be okay, but you have to stop now."

I released my hold on him and he let out a shuddering breath but he didn't look relieved. I could only hear the sound of our breaths and the music playing in the background as Drew sat up and adjusted himself. He didn't look okay. I felt bad. I knew giving me control was a bad idea.

"Too far?" I asked.

His eyes met mine. "Yeah. We were certainly headed in that direction." He frowned. "Things never go the way I plan whenever you're around."

"Is that good or bad?" I moved to sit at the foot of the bed while I watched Drew get dressed.

He pulled on his shirt. "Probably a bit of both."

Whatever that meant. I was beginning to feel like I'd worn out my welcome. Deciding it was probably time to call it quits, I went to his desk and gathered my things.

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