Chapter 10

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Drew walked me the rest of the way to his door.

I entered the room and heard music already playing. We barely made it through the door before he was helping me out of my coat. He tossed it along with my scarf onto the chair at his desk while I waited beside his bed.

Drew stalked back over to me and all I could do was stare. Taking in his perfectly messy, dark hair. Those laughing, golden-brown eyes. That chiseled body. A crisp, light blue tee hugged his torso hinting at the toned muscles beneath. His jeans hung from his waist like they were made just for him. I was slowly realizing I never bothered to really see him before. And now that the blinders were off, I couldn't stop looking.

I smoothed a hand over my outfit and immediately felt self-conscious about my clothes. Compared to Drew, I looked homeless. The dress I wore was about a size too big and the neckline sagged off my shoulder. At least it was a dress, but now that I was here, I wish I'd worn something else. Caring about how I looked was a new experience for me. I was much more interested in molding my brain than fine tuning my wardrobe. But now I found myself wanting Drew to like what he saw when he looked at me.

I felt the urge to explain. "This dress was the only one I had that wouldn't have me freezing my butt off outside."

He stood in front of me, his eyes stayed glued to my face. "It's perfect."

I frowned. "You didn't look."

Eyes still locked on me, his hands slid up either side of my legs. The instinct to move out of his reach was hard to ignore but I forced myself to accept the touch. Even as his hands burned me though the tights covering my thighs.

"I told you, it's perfect," he whispered as his hands maintained their ascent, leaving a trail of blistering heat in their wake. The bottom of my dress moved up as his hands continued higher and higher until ...

I looked down and Drew stopped.

He moved his hand to my chin. His fingers felt rough on my face though the touch was light. He tilted my chin upward.

"Eyes on me," he said.

The intensity of his gaze made it that much harder to do as he asked. He's never looked at me like this before.

His hands went back to work, resuming their climb up and up. His touch slow and deliberate, making sure I knew exactly what he had in mind. He wasn't going to stop until I told him to. The choice was mine.

I stared at him though my frames, happy for the invisible barrier my glasses provided. If my eyes were uncovered, I'm not sure if I could have handled the intimacy. He'd warned me things would be much more hands on this time. He wasn't kidding.

Still standing in the middle of his room, near the edge of his bed, Drew moved his head down and pressed his lips in the space where my neck met my shoulder. His lips were warm and pillow soft. I felt the short hairs on his face scrape against my skin. He trailed kisses up and down my neck, moving up to my face where he kissed my cheek. My eyes began to close, the weight of them becoming too much.

Eyes on me.

Remembering the demand, I forced my lids open, bringing my focus back to Drew. He dragged his lips across my temple, my nose, my eyes, and finally, his lips pressed against mine. The pace and intensity was different from our last kiss. Almost deeper. His tongue licked my lower lip and I opened my mouth. He groaned and pulled away.

"You remember," he said.

"I'm a fast learner," I reminded him.

"Yes, you are." His voice was thick. Deeper than I'd ever heard it.

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