Chapter 8

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Kissing Drew forever?

It felt that way. Sade's voice had melted into the background and I was lost. Lost in him. In us. The room had grown dark and moonlight now shone in place of the afternoon sun.

How long have I actually been here? Too long, clearly.

Our lips met, Drew's arms surrounded me, his body pressed into mine. It took everything I had to pull away. "Drew, I have to go."

He kissed me deep, then whispered, "You just got here."

Was he kidding? Then I thought, he must have lost track of time, too. I opened my mouth to tell him. He killed my response with an even deeper kiss. My mind went blank as we locked lips over and over, pausing every so often to gasp for air, only to begin the pattern all over again.

I groaned and pulled back. "Drew. I can't stay here all night."

"You sure? You have plans?"

"Yes. Your homework for one."

"Screw the homework."

I turned my face when he tried to kiss me again. "I can't."

He pulled back then and searched my face in the darkness. His golden eyes studied me until he finally pulled back taking the heat from his body with him. "Sorry. I wasn't thinking. Of course, you wouldn't be able to stay here."

"Of course?" I sat up, feeling a chill in the room that wasn't there before. I shook my head. "I mean, yeah, of course I can't."

Drew pressed the switch for the lamp on his nightstand and I straightened my clothes in the soft light.

"Give me a few minutes and I can take you home," he said.

My eyes flew to him. His back was to me as he made his way to the closet. "Uh, that won't be necessary," I said.

"I know it's not necessary. I'm still taking you."

"Don't worry about it. You know my apartment isn't far from campus."

"It's freezing outside. I'm not letting you wait for the bus."

I bent over and stuffed my feet into my shoes. "No, really. It's not a big deal. I can walk."

He looked back at me. "You don't want me to drive you?"

"I can get myself home. Don't put yourself out."

"Put myself out?" He gave a short laugh, but not the kind you made when something was funny. He folded his arms and leaned against the closet door. "Alright, Ally. Go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow."

My forehead creased. That soon? Did he already have another lesson planned? My breathing grew shallow.

"Tomorrow?" I said.

"Stats class?"

I mentally kicked myself. My brain was officially fried. I wasn't thinking straight at all. "Right, um, yes, I'll be there."

He grinned and shook his head. Then he walked me to the door. I followed behind feeling like my sneakers were filled with cement. A part of me was more than ready to hop right back into that bed and pull Drew back on top of me. I don't know why I didn't.

I exited the room and stood in the hall while Drew leaned up against the other side of the door waiting. I felt obligated to say something cool or sexy considering what we'd just done, but all I could think of was, when can we do this again? That seemed pushy and presumptuous so I just said nothing while Drew continued to look at me with laughing eyes. As if he enjoyed watching me think.

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