Chapter 13

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... the pants can stay on, but the bra comes off.


I shot up, placing my weight on my elbows.

Drew shifted on top of me. His golden brown gaze roamed my face. "When you first proposed this deal to me, I asked if you were all in. You told me you were. Did you mean it?"

I remembered that day. I ambushed him in the locker room while he wore nothing but a towel. It was the highlight of my afternoon. Until he turned me down. Drew predicted I would run as soon as things got intense.

And I was about to prove him right.

I approached Drew with this because I wanted to make a change and here I was, hesitant to go further. I was resisting the very thing I asked for in the first place. I thought of Brandon with his arm around Avery and knew if I wanted it bad enough, that could be him and me. So, I had to ask myself, how bad did I want it?

"Yes I meant it," I said. "This is important to me. I'm not going to back out now." It wasn't until I said the words that I realized it was the truth. I was all in.

"Are you giving me the green light?"

"Quid pro quo, right?" I murmured.

"Right," he said, his voice thick with something I couldn't begin to identify. "Lie back," he ordered. "We'll go slow."

As soon as my head hit the cushion, Drew rose up over me and fused his mouth to mine. He kissed me like he was drinking in all of me and only coming back wanting more. He wrapped his arms around me and slid them up my spine. Still kissing me, he pulled at my bra. In one motion, he unhooked the closures and pulled it off. He tossed it to the floor and cupped my breasts. Goose bumps rose on my flesh. He molded each one carefully in his hands. He tore his lips from mine and dragged that talented mouth south. He skimmed his tongue over my nipples and them gently sucked them into his mouth.

My senses awakened and I gasped as a clench of pure desire gripped me. Any apprehension I'd felt, now a distant memory. My modesty washed away in waves of relentless heat. My tongue lashed out, sliding up the thick column of his neck. A shudder rocked his body.

"I didn't teach you that," he groaned.

"I have a few tricks of my own," I said against his skin.

He met my gaze. "Now you tell me?" 

True to his word, Drew moved slow. His stubble felt deliciously rough against my skin as his cool mouth left searing kisses everywhere. After he tasted every inch of my bare skin, he returned his attention to my lips, kissing me into oblivion. My hands raked endlessly through his hair, then moved down to his back and groped the muscles there. I luxuriated in the feel of him. The perfect mix of hard and soft.

But mostly hard.

My legs rose up and clenched around his waist. He groaned and ground his middle into me in a move so fluid, so instinctive, as if it was like second nature.

Drew was fully clothed, but that did nothing to hide his hard on. Still, I was grateful for the barrier of denim. If this was what it was like with our bottoms on, then I could only imagine what was to come when it all finally came off.

"Are you taking notes? This is important stuff," he whispered into my lips.

"And what is today's lesson, exactly?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's about T&A."

At my questioning stare, he kissed my breasts, then grabbed my ass and squeezed. I gave a shocked laugh, which he swallowed with his own laughing mouth.

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