Chapter 14

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I didn't think she was going to hang up.

My mother was always willing to talk things out. Always...

Shaken up, I placed the phone face down on my desk. No matter how old I was, my mother's disapproval never failed to upset me. I wasn't blind. I knew we lived in an unequal world where many people viewed me as lesser simply because of my skin color, but I didn't share my mother's opinions on dating. Regardless of their race, the color of their heart was what mattered most in the person I chose to be with. Even though I didn't agree, I understood my mother's concerns. I wished she could be as understanding as me.

In my confusion, I decided to do what I did best. Work. It was the only way I knew how to cope with stress. Words were words. They didn't have expectations. They didn't judge. What you saw was what you got. If only dealing with people was as straightforward.

An hour later, Lindsay walked in on me hunched over my books.

"Doing Drew's homework again?" she said.

I didn't bother looking up from my notes. "Shut up."

Lindsay chuckled and leaned against my door. "I knew it. So it's true about you two. You've been spending a lot of time together."


"So, remind me why you're not doing Brandon's homework instead? He practically begged you to that day we all had lunch together."

"I already agreed to help Drew. I can't just leave him hanging."

"Why not? If this will bring you closer to Brandon, just dump Drew and trade up."

I was only half listening to Lindsay, but her last statement hit me hard. I'd asked myself why I was still working with Drew a hundred times since the day Brandon brought up the possibility of working with him. I could tell Drew our deal was over and switch focus to the man I really wanted. So why haven't I done that?

I shoved my books aside. "Drew and I have a deal," I blurted. I'd been dying to tell her, it felt good to finally put it out there.

Lindsay blinked. "What kind of deal?" She folded her arms and her forehead wrinkled. "Don't tell me Drew's your dealer. I knew there was something up with that guy. No one's that chill 24/7."

I rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. "For the last time, I'm not doing drugs. "

When I saw the doubt on her face, I sighed heavily. "Lindsay, look at me. I'm alone in my room on a Saturday surrounded by textbooks, doing homework. Do I look like the poster child for addiction?"

She took in the mountain of books I had piled up on my desk and I think she finally got the message. "Then what's really going on? I want the truth."

Here goes.

"Drew's been busy with football season so he offered to pay me to do his homework. Instead, I asked him to teach me how to be sexier so I can have a better chance of snagging Brandon. He's been helping for the past few weeks. That's the truth."

Lindsay stared at me, her mouth hung open. "Drew agreed to this?" I nodded. Then her lips eased into a smile. "This is genius! I want to know everything! How did you ask him? Was he eager or did you have to convince him? Drew is gorgeous and fun and would have no problem guiding you through sex. I know he'll show you a good time. He also happens to be Brandon's best friend, so he'll know everything Brandon wants in a girlfriend and help you avoid all those amateur mistakes groupie girls make. I can't believe you kept this from me. I can't believe I didn't guess."

Lindsay finally stopped to take a breath. She placed her elbows on her knees and cradled her face with her hands. "I have to know, is Drew as good in bed as I think he is?"

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