Chapter 17 Part 2

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I was on edge as I walked into Statistics class.

Every nerve in my body was frayed. Having it out with Lindsay earlier didn't help the situation at all. But I couldn't focus on that right now. I'd make up with her later. I had other things on my mind. I wiped my sweaty palms on my clothes and looked around the room.

He wasn't here yet.

I'd expected that since I was early, as usual. I took my seat in the mostly empty classroom. Eager for anything to do to with my hands and occupy my mind, I opened my bag and began to prepare for today's lecture. I took out my books first and piled them in the order I planned to use them. Then, I took out the papers with the homework I'd done for Drew and placed them in a neat stack to the side. When that was done, I waited. 

My eyes stayed on the doors at the front as people began to slowly trickle into the lecture hall. Some minutes later, the professor finally walked in. Then, my focus immediately shifted to the tall figure trailing in behind him.



Two days. That's how long it'd been since I'd last seen him. Not quite forty-eight hours, but who's counting? 

Who was I kidding? I was painfully aware of every single hour of our separation. The professor laughed at something Drew said and then patted him on the back before ushering him into the class. Drew blazed a path to the rear of the room toward his seat. He looked my way as he passed by and I stopped breathing. Our eyes met and I immediately looked away, but not before catching his smirk. I pushed my glasses up on my nose and faced forward, focusing on the front of the room while my heart thundered in my chest.

The professor cleared his throat and began addressing the class. I opened my books and tried to pay attention, though my mind kept drifting off. Seeing Drew again was wreaking havoc on my concentration. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop picturing him naked. 

God, he looked good naked. He was all tight, solid muscle covered in velvety, smooth skin, and I had every inch of him memorized. Just like I'd memorized everything Drew taught me so far. I thought I was learning how to impress Brandon, but in the process I unknowingly acquired Drew's blueprint. A map of his body had been imprinted on my mind. I didn't know how to use everything I had in my arsenal, but I had the basics down where Drew was concerned. I knew how he liked to be kissed and how to touch him to bring him to the edge and keep him there. I knew that he liked to tease and be teased. I also knew how powerful foreplay could be, that sex didn't always need to be the end game. Sometimes, making the other person's body burn was enough gratification. Just thinking about the times Drew set my body ablaze was enough to send a flush of heat between my thighs. 

Suddenly, the brash sounds of hurried movements and clothing rustled around me. I blinked and looked from left to right. Everyone was packing and filing out of the room. I quickly checked the time. It was 1:45 already? 

I turned around and the back of the room was empty. He left? The disappointment was overwhelming. I put my head in my hands. Did he really not want to see me?  

I stood and forced myself to pull it together. Drew didn't owe me anything just because we slept together. I knew this outcome was a possibility and I'd prepared for it, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Ultimately, if Drew didn't want to see me anymore, then that's his loss. 

I shoved everything on the desk back into my bag and forced the zipper closed. As soon as my desk was cleared, I turned one last time to check if anyone else was here. Nope. I was the last one. I had to get out of here. I stomped toward the door and walked out. As soon as I stepped into the hall, I felt myself being propelled back into the lecture hall by the strap on my bag. A hand cradled my face and I tensed to swing a second before I recognized who grabbed me.

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