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It all began on the morning just like any other.

We sat in the library, silence consuming us as it almost always did, tending to our own business and hardly speaking a word to each other.

"I've just received word that Cousin Varney will be staying with us in a few days and is bringing a friend with him; a Mr. Kay." my mother had said. "I do believe I've heard of him."

My head had jolted up from my needlework at the sound of his name. His name was quite familiar throughout the city, like a secret that everyone knew. I had heard it more than a few times during my visit in London, as many women did chat about him in a whisper.

Mr. Kay was thought to be a very handsome man, nearly twenty-one, that visited lady's bed chambers as often as drunkards attended bars. Many looked down upon his behavior, claiming it was animalistic and would grimace at his addiction.

He had a way with women. Not the sort you'd find in the streets mind you, but the proper ladies you'd make small talk with at tea or a garden party.

"He has a great deal of money, I've heard." my father had stated, pulling his eyes away from the paper and removing his spectacles. "Perhaps, we should throw a ball for their arrival. He is known to be quite wealthy, so it would certainly draw quite a bit of attention. Many would attend, surely."

"That is a beautiful idea, George. I shall tell Elizabeth to send out invitations for the twelfth of this month." my mother had expressed her excitement about the idea, her eyes aglow as she called for Elizabeth. "They are sure to arrive on Wednesday, day after tomorrow."

Society was the ladder that anyone who was someone would desperately attempt to climb. What was the point of it all? Ones true desire was to seek out happiness and as it stood, the ladder seemed to be the way to find it. The higher you got, the happier you'd become.

"Does he say how long they will be staying?" I asked casually, returning to my needlework.

"He doesn't say. They have business in the country that they need to attend to and Mr. Kay has expressed interest in building a summer home."

I was unsure of what to think or say. Was I presumptuous and conceited to wonder if Mr. Kay would try to entice me as he did with other girls?

As I gazed upon the looking glass, making certain I was presentable, the morning they would arrive, I decided that I was not bad to look at.

"You are beautiful, miss. You're sure to catch his attention." Lillian said, standing behind me with hands clasped tightly in front of her plain grey uniform. She smiled at me in the mirror and I shook my head, scoffing.

"Mr. Kay?" I questioned, gazing back up at my reflection. "I'm not sure I want to. The man's reputation is rather wild, wouldn't you say?" I turned to her, resting my arm against my vanity chair.

"With all do respect, miss, perhaps something so 'wild' is what women secretly desire. Their lives are quite mundane, aren't they?" she pointed out. "He thrills them." she stated hushedly, a pink blush evident on her pale freckled skin.

"Is that the talk of the maids quarters, Lillian?" I teased. "How he thrills them." I said mockingly, batting my eyelashes.

A knock was heard at the door. "Miss Devereaux?"

"Yes?" I called back, smoothing down my dress and glancing in the mirror once more.

"Your cousin has arrived, miss. Mrs. Devereaux has requested your presence downstairs along with all staff." Valentine, one of our footmen stated through the door.

Quickly, I unlocked my door and paced down the large staircase, Lillian following a few steps behind, to the entryway where the rest of the staff stood to greet the guests.

The carriage stood in front of the house and my stomach dropped suddenly when the door was open and Varney hopped down from the carriage, his boots hitting the gravel. A young gentlemen followed, who I assumed was Mr. Kay, and as I had been told, he was undoubtably very handsome.

"Aunt Hellen! Uncle George!" he exclaimed, removing his hat and gloves and racing to greet my mother before kissing her temple. "How long it's been, since I was last here." he said, embracing my father, which took him by surprise.

"How are you, Varney? You look well!" my mother smiled.

"Simply perfect. The train ride was almost unbearable, but I'm happy to have finally arrived." he chuckled, turning to me.

"Mira?" he questioned, grasping my shoulders, astonishment apparent in his voice. "Dear cousin, you have grown to be quite beautiful." he exclaimed.

I could not contain my smile. "It's been quite some time, hasn't it? I'm glad you're here." I said, my eyes darting behind him to where Mr. Kay stood, and for a second, our eyes met.

Varney, who had noticed, stepped aside and looked back at him. "I'd almost forgotten. Mira, this is my dear friend Robbie."

Mr. Kay stepped forward, delicately grasping my fingers and while keeping his eyes upon mine, he kissed my knuckles. "Enchanted." he said, my heart racing beneath my chest. His gaze quickly darted down my figure before he turned away and introduced himself to my father and mother.

It was then that I realized why so many found him so enticing. He was charming.

Much too charming.



So there is the start of my new story and I'm sorry if it's boring, it'll get more exciting, I promise

I will be using a very old fashion writing style and form of dialogue throughout the course of the whole story so if you find it insipid, I apologize. You can hit the back button at any time :)

So for those wondering, Mira, is pronounced 'MEE-ruh'

Thank you so much for reading!

Love love love

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