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At this point, I was unstoppable.

Mr. Bailey's well thought responses only evoked more questions from my mouth, truly wishing to reveal his true character as many men kept hidden.

"I've also heard of women going into business. I don't mean shop girls and things of that sort, but of employers, leaders. Is that so revolting?" I questioned, and not only was Mr. Kay still red in the face, but low and behold, it was my Mother's turn to squirm in her seat, politely putting tiny bites of food into her mouth to keep from speaking out on the matter.

"Times are changing, though I do believe some things are irrational." he scoffed, obviously a bit pressured by the questions I chose to ask. "I do not object, of course if a woman proves to be able. It takes a certain kind of woman to own a business. You know, a certain.. independence.

"I myself have thought of working; in my uncle's shop in London." I announced, which brought quite a reaction from my family, as I had never even spoken of Uncle's shop. "Yes, a woman of my background and wealth should never have to work a day in her life, but I believe that you should indulge in certain acts that bring you happiness, even if the world were to frown upon it, do you not agree, Mr. Kay?"

Mr. Kay choked a little, seemingly a bit flustered and quickly grasped his drink, recovering from the shock of my statement. "Yes, of course. Guilty pleasures, I'd call them. Little indulgences that may not be your cup of tea, but do not interfere wrongly with anyone other than yourself. Nothing that would hurt anyone." he said, drawing his cup to his lips once more. "Much." he said, under his breath and into the brim of his glass, and involuntarily I gasped.

"What was that you said?" Mr. Carter asked, who was seated just beside him.

"Nothing, Mr. Carter." he said grinning. "I merely choked on my wine. Went down the wrong way, I suppose." Mr. Kay laughed gaily

"Well, the meal was delectable, Mrs. Carter, but I'm afraid we must get home." my mother said, causing a deep surprise to devise across the table. Mama would not give up such a night so early if something had not disturbed her.

"Oh. Well." Mrs Carter began, not so subtly offended by the short visit, but even she perceived that the conversation was growing more unnerving. "I had wished you could stay for evening tea and dessert. I do so love your company, Mrs. Devereaux."

"Mirissa, the poor darling was complaining of a massive headache, so we must get home." she said, standing from the table, placing her napkin upon the table cloth and fetching her fur wrap from the back of her chair.

"Ah yes, quite a headache. I'm not feeling myself, as quite often I don't. In fact, I seem to be not me more often than I am me." I forced such a exaggerated laughed as I finished my wine. "Though you should not end your evening so soon over little old me. I insist you and Papa stay. I will return home in the second carriage, seeing as how we arrived in two."

I was fuming.

How often could my mother excuse my behavior for suffering a headache?

"I believe that would be a wonderful idea. Aunt and Uncle should not be robbed of such an enchanting visit. Robbie and I will tend to her!" Varney spoke. He did not enjoy Mrs. Carter's company any more than I did, and plain Audrey's love struck stares were far from unnoticeable.

"I should see no problem in that, Elizabeth. After all, they are grown now." My father spoke.

She sighed, looking over the table and setting her fur back down. "Tea and dessert could not hurt. As Mr. Kay said, guilty pleasures!"

Promiscuity • a.u • Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now