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(Song for this chapter is Domestic Pressures from The Theory of Everything soundtrack)

The ball.

Tonight, nobles, gentlemen, ladies, and aristocrats would arrive at Bramsey Hall to attend the ball thrown in Mr. Kay's honor.

For Cousin Varney, it meant many eligible young ladies to choose from. The whole idea sickened me, who's to say who is eligible and who is not? The eligible have money; class. It did not matter if you hardly knew one another, what mattered was that you were financially and socially secure. Then you'll be happy.

As I watched Mr. Kay flirt with indecency, I couldn't help but believe he had similar feelings. I hardly felt that he cared for the idea of marriage in the slightest. Why marry when you are both socially and financially secure? Certainly his 'hobbies' must bring him much pleasure, so why choose to be tied down to only one woman?

God, he was salacious, but he lived.

As I dressed more elaborately than any usual dinner party, I could hear the sound of the instruments downstairs. It was a dastardly sound, nothing like music, that emanated through the floor.

"I believe they're only warming up, miss." Lillian said, noticing my sudden expression of confusion.

"Right, of course. It has been a while since we held a ball, hasn't it? For my nineteenth birthday, a long while ago."

"I believe it was." she stuck pearl adorned pins into my mass of red hair, keeping it up in a tight, intricate style that would hold through a long night of dancing.

Lillian finished and retreated to the servants quarters where she would stay for the rest of the evening, as she was not allowed to partake in the party. I know how deeply she desired to dress beautifully and dance the way the upper class danced, and in a moment I would've traded places with her.

The musicians began to play a melody, hearing it's sweet sound as I travelled down the stairs to grand entryway, joyously lit with such a serene and happy feel. Tonight there is music.

Though I cared little for those attending, I did love dancing. Dancing sent such a thrill through my body that nothing other than music could grant me.

"There you are, my precious daughter! How beautiful you are." my father spotted me, sweeping into the entry way in such a hurry. "I was about to fetch you."

"Fetch me?" I asked, wondering why he hadn't sent one of the servants, but I did not mention it.

"Yes, the guests are to arrive any minute. Your mother is in the ballroom with Varney and Mr. Kay." he said, leading me to the great ballroom with a hand against my back.

Another glass chandelier hung in the center of the ballroom, creating such an elegant aura as the orchestra played a beautiful waltz in one of the four corners of the room. Tables were placed in the other three corners, embellished with lit candles and a large red cloth covered each one.

I hadn't noticed that a pair of eyes lingered on me, until I turned from the large chandelier and saw Mr. Kay dressed so formally with his hair slicked over and mouth slightly agape.

"My dear cousin! How lovely you look this evening." Varney exclaimed, approaching me with open arms and planting his lips against my cheek.

Mr. Kay had yet to say a word as he sauntered over to where we both stood.

"Does she not look lovely, Robbie?" Varney questioned.

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