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I rarely had regrets.

Often when I made a mess of anything, I looked to the silver lining and in the morning all was forgotten.

But here as I lie in my bed, crickets and frogs buzzing outside my window and night so deep it was growing light again, the sound of two pairs of footsteps and whispering, caused my stomach to churn with anxiety.

He brought someone home.

In a partially jealous rage, I flew up from my sheets and grasped the door handle quickly.

Mr. Kay stood holding a girl in his arms, her head against his chest and she looked nearly dead. I gasped at the sight of her arm, covered in green and purple bruises.

"What on earth?"

His head shot up to me. "You have to-"

A door opened down the hall, and swiftly he darted into my room. "Hurry." he whispered as I followed behind him and closed the door. He laid her down on my bed and switched on my gas lamp. "I need help."

"What have you done?" I asked him, terrified by the sight in front of me. The stranger in my bed, looked to be only a few years younger than me. Her skin was pale and sickly looking and deep bags hung under her eyes. She was incredibly thin, her bones showing nearly everywhere and her dark hair was matted and messy.

"I've done nothing. What kind of monster do you presume I am?" he spat. "I was- I was at the bar." he started. "Yes, go ahead and reprimand me." he said when he noticed my expression.

"Tell me what happened."

He sighed. "I took a woman upstairs to one of the rooms and this girl was laying there. She goes in and out of consciousness and I didn't know what else to do but to bring her here."

"That's the truth?"

"Mirissa, honestly, what do you think I did? If I was going to lie to you, I would've hidden the fact that I was at the bar or taking a lady upstairs." he scoffed. "She needs something to eat and maybe a doctor, but no one must know how I found her."

"I don't see any sense in hiding, Mr. Kay. You do have a certain reputation. Not to mention the fact that people will notice when I start sharing a bed with some whore off of the streets." I argued, crossing my arms.

He shook his head. "I thought you of all people would be most compassionate toward her. You are no more human than she is. You know that, Mira, I know you do." he breathed. "Perhaps if you were Lavinia Branum, you could never understand that, but you aren't."

For a moment I felt a selfish warmth come over me. "I thought you admired Lavinia."

He laughed. "You must be joking."

I hid my smile, but secretly I felt quite happy.

"I'll get Lillian. She won't tell anyone." I said, heading for the door, but was brought to a halt when Robbie latched onto my arm. "No one must know. We need to do this on our own."

I hesitated, staring at him a moment longer before nodding. "I'll find something in the kitchen. Get her into the bath."

I crept down to the kitchen, where I almost never went, and found some bread and butter as I groped around in the dark. Suddenly, a lantern was lit behind me and our cook, Mrs. Hart was wearily wrapping herself in her robe. "Miss Mirissa?"

"Mrs. Hart, I was feeling a bit sick and came down for something to eat." I said.

"Sick?" she questioned, putting her hand to my cheek. "You don't feel warm, miss."

Promiscuity • a.u • Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now