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(Songs for this chapter are Secunda by Jeremy Soule and The Theory of Everything soundtrack)

As the night pressed on and the noise from down stairs died away, I lie watching the candle by my bedside as the flame flickered, hot wax rolling down the side of it and forming an array of hardened droplets around its tall white figure.

His words did not leave my mind as the sky grew darker.

How easily could one be enchanted by his wit and character, how captivating his eyes were with that ever present look of friendly seduction, as if beckoning you to wonder what tales they could tell.

If only you are willing to take them..

He spoke as if it were an invitation. I did not know what for, or perhaps I did but rather too shy to believe it was so. Surely, he was not after me, not seriously, for Lavinia was far more attractive than myself and my dark red hair.

I say up quickly, pulling my robe over my gown and bringing the candle to the vanity, the soles of my bare feet hardly touching the cold floor as I walked quietly. I sat in front of the looking glass, analyzing every freckle and imperfection that I know Lavinia did not posses on her doll-like skin. Not to mention my dull hazel eyes in comparison to her bright baby blue ones. Surely, he is not interested in me..

Though I told myself I was relieved not to be in Mr. Kay's sights for his horrid game of impudence, a tinge of unwanted jealousy still lingered in my mind. Had he told Lavinia that she intrigued him?

The situation did leave me curious as to what he thought of me and what his intentions were, but as the flame died out and my lids grew heavy, sleep over took my restless thoughts..


"Breakfast, miss! Let's get you dressed." Lillian's voice awoke me before my curtains were drawn and light caressed my large room. I groaned, turning my head away from the window.

"Did you have too much to drink last night, miss?" her small voice teased.

"Why must I get dressed before breakfast?" I asked, my voice much less chipper than Lillian's.

"Breakfast is downstairs this morning, miss. Just like it always is when there are guests." she pulled back my covers, revealing that I had fallen asleep in my robe.

She went to my wardrobe and drew a long white morning dress, with sleeves to the elbows, blue lace trim around the bodice, and a square neckline just above the cleavage.

"I hear he's every bit of charming as they say." Lillian said, turned away from me as if she had known I had been thinking of him.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"He took quite a liking to Miss Branum, I heard." she stated, helping me undress from my night gown and tightening a corset around my bodice.

I made no comment as she helped me dress myself and pinned my hair up before putting a string of pearls around my neck.

"Pretty as always, miss."

"Lillian, must you always refer to me as 'miss'?" I asked her, turning round to face her. She was quite obviously surprised and I wondered if I had the same expression when Mr. Kay had said the same to me.

"I'd get in trouble if I didn't, miss."

I only smiled, taking her hands in my own. "Call me Mira. At least when we are alone. We are friends, aren't we?"

"Yes, of course, miss." she whispered. "Mira."

I left the room shortly after and traveled down the stairs to the dining room where my mother and father sat speaking with Varney and Mr. Kay as breakfast was being served.

"Ah, there she is!" Varney exclaimed, everting the attention to me as I entered the room. "Glad you decided to make an appearance after abandoning the party last night." he teased.

"If you could call it a party." I said, seating myself across from Varney, next to my father.

"It was a tad snoozy, wasn't it?" he said under his breath, winking at me.

My cousin had always been a friend to me growing up. Even as children, we played together until the age that my mother forbid me from running around and playing games with the older boys. Games were not for proper young ladies.

A plate was placed before me along with a cup of tea and a slice of toast with jam. Eggs and sausage steamed from the top of my plate and the smell made my stomach groan.

"Have you heard the news of the large ship setting out from Southhampton? They call it the Titanic. The largest boat ever built, they say." my father asked Mr. Kay as he read the paper.

"Ah yes, it's quite extraordinary, isn't it? Incredible." Mr. Kay's eyes meet mine and for a moment I could not look away.

"What do you find pleasure in, Mr. Kay? Have you any hobbies you use to pass the time?" my mother asked, drawing her tea to her lips.

His eyes lingered for a second, as he knew the same thoughts entered our minds.

"Oh, I have many pleasures; croquet, fox hunting. I adore music, just the same." he responded, wiping his mouth. He played so closely to his surreptitious reputation so boldly, teasing at vulgarity as if it were a game to play.

"Well, isn't that delightful! I do enjoy a good game of croquet, myself. I'm quite sure we can arrange any one of your hobbies while you're here at Bramsey Hall." she oozed, clearly delighted in Mr. Kay's choice of ways in which to pass the time.

"I'm quite sure you can." he said simply, his eyes flickering back to my own and suddenly I felt quite hot from embarrassment as he made such subtle crude remarks. Mr. Kay was somewhat of a merry-andrew, dipping his tongue into both the high society clowns and unthinkable indecency..



So there's a shortish chapter but these first few chapters are plot development and once I get a good foundation, I'll run with it.

I have so many good ideas in my brain right now and it's all a matter of it all falling into place. So much racy scandal, so many characters, and everyone. Is. British.

I do hope you like this and I've imagined Dakota Blue Richards as Lillian and Julianne Moore and Hugh Jackman as Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux.

Thank you guys so much for reading and give me feedback! I love to hear what you think about it!

Okay byeeee

Love love love

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