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I woke up a smile on my face. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I yawned before having my shower. I smiled thinking of Arthur. He just had to say yes. I was excited really. I got dressed and walked to my bedroom again. I put some perfume on before knocking on Arthur's door. "Come in." He yelled. I walked in. He smiled. I smiled back. I closed the door. "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the orphanage." I asked, smiling. His eyes widened. "Me? Well... I don't know." My smile faded away. I nodded in disappointment. "Ok. Cool." I left and walked downstairs. It was understandable really. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before. I mean I didn't want anyone to know about our relationship so why would he want to come with me, right? I sighed. "What's wrong Charlie? You look down." His father asked. "Oh no. I'm fine. I was wondering if I could go and visit the orphanage maybe this weekend." His mum smiled. "Of course. Go with Arthur. He'll keep you company." I chuckled. "No. I'm good. Thank you. He'd rather stay home." She smiled. "I'm sure he'd love to." I shrugged. "I don't think so." I smiled and walked to the kitchen. I took a bowl out and served myself some cereal. I started eating when Arthur came. He kissed his parents good morning and walked towards me. "Hey again." I smiled. We ate before leaving. We started walking to school. "So I heard you talk to my parents." He said. I nodded. "You want me to come with you?" He asked. "No it's fine. I'm not going to oblige you to come when you don't want to." He just looked at me. "I said I didn't know." I chuckled. "It's fine. Really. I don't care." He nodded. "But you do." I sighed. "Do what you want to do, Arthur. I won't force you to go somewhere you don't want to go." He nodded. We arrived at school.

I sighed and walked out of the classroom. I looked around to see that Arthur wasn't there. He said he would wait for me. I frowned and walked to his classroom. He was probably getting bullied so I walked quickly. I turned left to see two guys kissing, each of their hands around their waists. Not any guys, but Tom and Arthur. I froze. The bell rang making them jump. They both looked at me, Tom smirking. I backed away and left. How could this happen. I mean, I knew he didn't love me yet, but I didn't know he was completely unattracted to me. I thought he liked me... A lot. Just seeing them kiss, full on... So passionately? It gave me shivers. I didn't like it. I bumped into a few people until I walked out of the building. "Charlie!" I could here Arthur yell. "Charlie!" He yelled again but his voice faded away. I walked quicker. My eyes were starting to sting. I was so shocked to see them kissing like that. I felt my heart get run over by a tru- BOOM! A huge shock hit my body. I felt myself fly away and fall on the floor. I just shivered. I could feel pain allover my body. I couldn't move. I could here people screaming and some were panicking. "CALL THE AMBULANCE!" A woman yelled. My heart raced. It was for me. My eyes opened. I tried moving my fingers but they only twitched. "HE MOVED!" A guy yelled. Help me. Help me. My breathing was quickening. "Hey kid! Can you hear me?" A guy said. I couldn't answer. What was happening to me? "Charlie!" I heard a familiar voice. I winced in pain as I noticed it was Arthur. I could barely open my eyes but I could just about see enough. Tears were crawling down his face. "Charlie." He said caressing my face. A tear fell from my eye. "It'll be Ok. Charlie. Stay with me. You're Ok." His voice was fading away. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He yelled. People were talking allover the place but their voices also faded away as I could here sirens coming nearer and nearer. Arthur was pushed away. I tried reaching out for him but couldn't. I couldn't move. "Mr. Can you see me?" A big guy asked. I couldn't answer. "Hmm." I hummed. I felt myself drift away for a second or two. "We're losing him!" I didn't answer. I drifted away for another 5 seconds. "People, back away." He said. Through all the crowd I could here Arthur's breath... Until I realised he was just next to me. "Charlie." He whispered. I wanted to answer him but I couldn't. I tried to touch his hand which was on my left but all my hand did was twitch. But I guess it was enough because his hand reached out for mine and he squeezed it tightly. I smiled but felt myself drift away for another 5 seconds. I felt his tear drop on my cheek. I felt my heart slow down and my eyes close. My chest was closing itself back quickly. I felt my blood pressure slow down. Half my body was inactive. I felt my heart stop slowly. "CHARGE!"

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