Today's The Day

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Reading the email over and over again I agreed to the offer and email Burnie back with my phone number and all the information to get things started.

I told Ray my answer and he gave me a huge smile and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I'm excited for this job but my mind better stay out of the way. I might never get anywhere in life if he's in my face 24/7. When he popped up from behind Rays shoulder I closed my eyes to ignore him but I couldn't get rid of his stupid low voice. 'You know everyone's going to hate you. Don't understand why you are even accepting this job. You are gonna suck at it.' Oh my god just shut the hell up already.

I let go of Ray and grabbed my computer saying goodnight to Ray and Tina, packing up to leave. I closed the door behind them and heard my phone going off from my kitchen. Not even looking at the caller ID. 

'Hello Ms. Haynes! This is Mr. Burnie Burns....'

15 minutes later

'So I guess I'll see you tomorrow at 12pm! Have a goodnight!'

Oh my. My first interview with an actual job. Nothing better fuck this up because I actually want this, but of course my dumbass mind always wants to screw everything up. I look back at the clock to find it to be 10pm.

Even though I could've stayed up later my anxiety came over and I started freaking out so I made myself go to bed, but before that I start to make a cup of coffee and headed for a shower.

I grabbed my pjs, walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped down and got into the shower, the warm water hitting my back, calming my nerves. Normally I would have my little speaker but I needed this time to be silent and added with some kind of comfort that a nice shower offers.

As I finished my shower I heard my coffee machine going off, indicating that my favorite drink was brewed. I wrapped myself in a towel, grabbed my clothes and headed into my bedroom. I quickly changed into black booty shorts and a Star Wars t-shirt and headed down my ladder. While the beeping continued I noticed that was the only sound in my little apartment or home of some sort. I've always lived alone ever since I was a child. My Dad always working, and my mother gone in who knows where, leaving me home alone and taking care of myself.

I poured my coffee in my mug, adding my normal milk and two sugars and heading up my ladder to my bed. I opened up my laptop looking up this company name and seeing the channel with a bunch of videos. I watched a few videos, failing asleep to a very deep voice saying very creepy things like keeping a cow in a hole.

The next morning

My alarm woke me at 8:30 and slammed my hand on my phone to try and shut it up, my hand pushing it off my side table and hearing a thud on the floor. A groan came out of my mouth as I drug myself out of bed. I immediately remembered what today was while heading to the kitchen and his voice appeared.

"God why did you even get out of bed this morning? You're such a screw up, you are not gonna get that job." 

I rolled my eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm my head down. I proceeded to the kitchen pulling out two eggs and putting two pieces of toast into the toaster. I turned on some music and started to cook my eggs. A few minutes later the toaster popped and I was nearly done cooking my eggs so I  got a knife and spread some strawberry jam across the two pieces, putting both the now finished eggs and toast onto a plate.

I scurried over to my bar and started to eat my food. I rolled through twitter and youtube, searching up 'Rooster Teeth' on both sites. Sure I already knew them from Ray but he's been gone for a while so why not catch up a bit.

Time must've gotten away from me because when I looked at the time it was almost 11. "Shit" I whispered to myself and put my plate in the sink. I connected my phone to the charger and ran to my closet. I pulled out some ripped skinny jeans, an oversize black 'hoodie' sweater and my marble doc marten boots. I went to my bathroom, turning on my hair curler, and started my makeup. I looked in the mirror and saw him standing behind me.

"You would need a lot more makeup to cover up that mess you call a face. Good thing you have that giant sweater fat ass."

I can feel my tears well up in my eyes. Only he can make me cry or feel sad. The rest of the time I feel no emotions. I only have emotions with Ray, Tina, and my fans from Twitch. I don't/ an't get close to people because they think I'm crazy because of my disorder. In school it was always "Oh look it's 'Crazy Cameron' or "Cuckoo Cammi'" you know, childish names. I pushed my thoughts away and continued with my eye shadow and eyeliner. Once that was done, I curled my hair as quick as I could and unplugged the iron. I brushed my teeth and rushed out of the bathroom to grab my phone, keys, and purse. I looked at the time and seen '11:35'. I let out my breath and locked my front door.

I walked to my old car, getting in, and prayed that it turned on. When I heard it start running I hooked up my music and pulled out of my driveway. I started tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, jamming out to the sound. As time passed I find myself in the huge parking lot of Stage 5, the time being 11:56. I turned off my car and stepped out heading towards the front door. I take a long breath and pushed open the doors to the Rooster Teeth office.

(A/N Please read!)

Okay so I know it's been almost a year since the first chapter. I've been trying to focus on A Father I Never Knew but today was a sick day so why not write. I'm hoping to write more of this story a lot more so if you enjoy it please tell me :)

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