5. Sun

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"You see," she said, "your first love isn't the first person you give your heart to- it's the first one who breaks it."

~Lang Leav 


Darius woke up with a frown as sweet scent of honey and coconuts hit his nostrils. He rubbed his eyes and sat on the bed. He looked around the dimly lit room. His frown deepened and his hands curled into fists as he realized that he was in Stacey's room. Again the faint sweet scent went into his nostrils which only brought back the memories and he realized that her natural scent still bothered him. He wanted nothing more than to snuggle back into the blanket and get back to sleep as he realized that after three years he had slept well but he shook his head and cursed himself. He slammed the door and went downstairs. He stood at the last step of the stairs as he saw Stella playing with Johan and Stacey chatting with Vanessa happily. His anger rose to a new level as he heard Stacey's laugh.

'Fucking same laugh, same scent. Same everything yet everything is completely different. Damn.' He let out a few more curses in his mind before shaking his head. With clenched jaw he went towards them and sent a cold glare to his staff who instantly stood straight.

Stella's eyes widened as she looked at Darius who was glaring at her mother. She went to Stacey with clumsy steps and stood behind her. Stacey's smile dropped as she saw Darius' glare fixed at her.

"Ms. Richards, what the hell was I doing in her room?" Darius pointed at Stacey menacingly.

"S-Sir I...sh-" Vanessa's stuttering was cut off by Stacey.

"Sleeping genius." Stacey's eyes went wide and her hands fled towards her mouth as she realized that she had let out a sarcastic comment to Darius. Johan stifled his chuckle while Vanessa gasped. Sensing the tension in the sir, Stella clutched her dress and clung to her mother. She peaked at Darius with wide violet eyes only to cower away from his furious gaze.

"Shut the fuck up. I am not talking to you." Darius yelled but instantly regretted as a groan left his mouth due to hangover. He sat on the nearest chair while massaging his temples.

"Van can you take Stella into the backyard, please?"

"Sure. Be safe. Sir is really furious right now." Vanessa whispered to Stacey and held Stella's hand who looked at her mother with tearful eyes. Stacey felt her heart aching for her daughter and crouched to her level. She gave her a small smile and kissed the crown of her head.

"You are brave girl of momma, aren't you?"

Stella nodded her head but a tear still managed to drop on her left cheek.

"Oh baby, then don't cry. Momma needs to take care of that Uncle so you go and play with Van, okay?"

"Yes." Stella gave a smile to her mother but looked at Darius with curious eyes. She went to him cautiously.

She put her little hand on Darius knee, making him look at her with a frown. As she looked at his curious expression she did not feel scared of him for a while. Instead she said, "You hurt?"

Darius just stared at her with confused eyes, resembling to a little child with his cute little frown and puzzled expression. Everyone looked at their exchange with curious eyes. Stacey wanted to take away Stella for a moment but as Darius did nothing to harm her, she let them have their conversation or in their case one-sided conversation.

As Stella did not get any answer from Darius she gave him a little shy smile and said, "Momma take my care when I hurt. She takes care of you. So you hurt?"

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now