41 Confession

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True intimacy is in the joining of two naked minds.

Wait for it.

Wait for someone who knows how to touch your soul without taking off your clothes.



"Stacey, are you ready now?" Darius asked, knocking at the door of bathroom.

"I am now." Stacey opened the door, revealing herself in blue shorts paired up with Darius' white shirt which he convinced her to put on.

"How do I look, Darius?" Stacey twirled around with a grin smeared on her face.

"Damn." Darius smirked as Stacey moaned on clashing against his warm, hard chest. His lips worked their way to her neck, nipping her soft flesh, making her shiver in his arms. He felt his black shirt being fisted in her tiny, right hand whilst her left hand wound up in his hair, pushing his face in the crook of her neck.


His name tumbling out of her parted, delicious lips in a low, pleading whisper not only affected his member but his heart too. His hands went under the shirt which he had ,made her wear and his left hand went on her back whilst the fingers of his right hand kept on playing their magic on her goose bumped skin by roaming here and there. Meanwhile his lips travelled slowly towards her waiting lips. He groaned as Stacey hissed on his sweet torture and attacked his mouth with her own, kissing him urgently. She parted away her lips and Darius swallowed her moan as his tongue played with hers. He let he have her way by tasting him before dominating her mouth in toe-curling kiss. Darius felt the heat emitted by her core which made him grin against her lips.

"Someone is so ready for me." Darius whispered teasingly into Stacey's mouth.

"I can feel your buddy pressed against me." Stacey smirked pointing towards his bulge tenting his pants.

"Buddy?" Darius raised his eyebrows as an amused chuckle vibrated through his chest. "I am not ashamed of the affect you have on me and it is just one of many proofs of that."

Darius caressed her cheek with the back of his hand which made her sigh blissfully.

"Many proofs?" Stacey asked, finally poring through his word.

"Yes, Cupcake. Feel the way you affect me here." Darius gently took her hand and kept it in the middle of his chest over his racing heart. "Do you feel my beating heart, baby? It beats for you. You give meaning to my life, breath to my lungs and beat to my heart."

Stacey's eyes welled up slightly but she blinked away her tears and cupped the nape of his neck, dragging his face towards her. Keeping his ear over her heart, she asked in a peaceful whisper, "Hear that? That is how my heart stops beating like other normal hearts. Instead it fights with its ribcage to free itself. That is how you make it create a beautiful havoc in my chest. My heart drowns in the type of chaos that I never wish to be saved from."

Darius placed a soft kiss over her heart and felt it beating erratically. Smiling gently at Stacey, he put his forehead on hers, wordlessly. It was one of those moments in which they did not feel the need to use words as they let their hearts do all the talking.

"No matter I am enjoying being held by you like this, I cannot afford to miss a date with you, baby." Stacey spoke softly, rubbing her thumbs on his jaw.

Darius pecked her lips. "Shall we, my lady?"

Stacey giggled softly and linked her arm with his, saying, "We shall."

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now