15. Pain

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If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile.

~Santosh Kalwar


Stacey smiled down at Darius whose face was pressed against the pillow while his arm was secured around Stacey's waist. His mouth was slightly open and no matter how many times Stacey tried to close it, he would open it again. Stacey's hand went to his cheek as she placed a kiss on his temple. Darius' lips curled upwards into a smile, taking away Stacey's breath. She waited for him to wake up but he kept on sleeping so she concluded that it was an unintentional smile.

Somehow, Stacey freed herself from Darius' hold and stood up. She kissed the corner of his lips and went into her room. After showering and changing into jeans and a shirt, she went into Stella's room.

"Sweetie, where are you?" Stacey asked as she made Stella's bed.

"In bathroom, momma." Stella said back.

"Okay." Stacey organized Stella's room.

Stella came out and smiled at Stacey who kissed her forehead and wished her morning. As Stacey helped Stella to dress up, she said, "You should have waited for momma to bath you, sweetie.

Stella twirled in her new pink dress and let out a giggle. She looked at her mother with her head held high and said proudly, "I a big girl now, momma. I do things on my own."

Stacey's eyes twinkled with pride and love for her daughter as some happy tears welled up in her eyes as well. She was happy to see Stella doing things independently but she definitely missed doing things for her daughter.

Stella had always been a smart kid, understanding most of the things without being told about them. May be it was because she felt the depth of relationships or may be she had to grow up in the circumstances that the kids her age should not go through. She was an observant child just like Aaron who understood long time ago that her parents were friends but they could be nothing more than that. Like other children she wanted to live in a place where she would be spoiled by her father while her mother would try to get mad at them but it was just a dream for her. At first it was hard to accept the reality but with the passage of time she learnt to accept truth and be content in the love she got from her parents. Stacey and Aaron had always admired the fact that their daughter had always been so understanding. She had her questions that she asked both of her parents but as she never received the proper answers so she stopped asking them, understanding that they would tell her whenever the time would be right.

Stacey kissed Stella's cheek and said, "You are a big girl but for momma, you will always be mine little sweet princess. I love you, baby."

"I love you, momma."

Stacey and smiled and held Stella's hand as they went downstairs.

"Are you not going to eat now?" Stacey asked Johan and Vanessa who nodded their heads.

"We will eat but not now." Vanessa said and blushed as Johan slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his side.

Stacey beamed at them as she realized that they wanted to have their breakfast together. She winked at Vanessa and teased her by saying, "I feel love in the air."

"Oh God! I hate you." Vanessa pouted and went into the laundry room.

Johan laughed lightly at her.

"I love pancakes, Uncle Jo." Stella said with a wide smile on her face.  

"I know that princess." Johan pecked her cheek.

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now