13. Assumptions

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Making the wrong assumptions causes pain and suffering for everyone.

~Jenni Young


"You realize you should have informed us about your whereabouts, Stacey." Johan said sternly whilst keeping the receiver back on the home phone.

Stacey, giving an apologetic smile said, "I just needed sometime to myself."

"But that does not mean that you have got the rights to keep us uninformed and go on a ride." Nathan said, glaring at her.


Nathan cut off Stacey by holding up his hand. He stood in front of her with blank eyes and said, "Your daughter was worried because her mother did not bother to be a little more responsible."

With that Nathan left the mansion, leaving Stacey in shock. As the shock subsided, the hurt settled in her heart but she did not let her tears to fall down. Blinking back her tears she ignored everyone and went into Stella's room.

Finally the tears rolled down her cheeks as she cocooned in her favorite blue blanket. The little brown teddy bear was tightly clutched to her chest. Wiping away her tears, Stacey sat next to Stella on the bed and stroked her hair. From the little frown and puffed up cheeks, Stacey knew that Stella had cried herself to sleep which twisted a dagger in her heart.

"I am sorry, sweetie. Momma will never do this again." Stacey placed a gentle kiss on her daughter's forehead.

Stacey was about to get up when her gaze fell on the brown frame sticking out of Stella's light blue pillow. Cautiously she picked it up and turned it around. A sob left her mouth as she looked down at the picture of Aaron and herself. She smiled weakly, remembering when Aaron took her and Stella out on the picnic.

 It was Stella's birthday so Aaron took both of them out first in a zoo then on a beach. They had a food fight on the beach which was started by Stella. At last Stacey was left without the white vanilla crème sticking to her face so Aaron chased her and smeared the crème on her face. In that time Stella requested a young couple to click their photos.

In the picture, Aaron had his arm draped around Stacey's shoulder and their grins split from ear to ear. It was one of those rare moments in the past three years when Stacey's happiness was shone through her eyes.

As she kept the picture, she realized that Stella felt alone even though she was surrounded by so many people. In the crowd Stella was searching for her parents but she came back empty handed which would have shattered her fragile heart. Stacey hugged the picture tightly for a while. After keeping the photo frame on the bedside table and placing another kiss on Stella's forehead, she left the room.

Stacey was in hallway ready to go downstairs and entertain Victor when her cell phone went off. Again tears welled up in her eyes as Aaron's name flashed on the screen. She wanted to talk to Aaron later on but she knew he would grow suspicious and unwanted questions would be raised. So with a shaky breath she picked up the call but did not get the chance to greet him.

  "What is going on there, Stacey?" Aaron's voice was firm but soft. Stacey knew that by now Aaron knew about everything that took place in Darius' mansion.

"A-Aaron, I...Aaron, Ste-" Before Stacey could form a sentence a sob escaped her lips and she slid down on the floor, crying hysterically.

There was silence on the other end as Aaron did not utter a word. He kept quiet and let Stacey cry. She herd Aaron's steady breathing over the phone, letting her know that he was still there. As her cries died down and hiccups left her lips here and there. She felt her heart getting lighter from releasing her pent up emotions.

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