32. Culprit

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For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. 

~Judy Garland


"Is she okay?" Stacey asked with tears falling down her eyes.

"Yes, she is. There is nothing to worry about. Stella just fainted because of the shock of the accident. There are no injuries and she is even awake now. She is still in a little shock but nothing major. She will be fine in an hour." Dr. Carlos unformed with a smile to Stacy who nodded her head.

"And how is Darius?" Stacey asked softly, biting her lower lip and wiping away her tears shakily which was of no use as fresh tears kept on streaming down her cheeks.

"He is fine as well just got a minor injury on his right elbow but nothing major. Both of them are good to go." Dr. Carlos said, leaning back in his chair.

Finally Stacey let out a sigh of relief and said, "Had it not been for Darius reaching out to Stella just on right moment, I would have probably lost my daughter today."

Just the thought of something happening to Stella made Stacey shudder in her chair. Dr. Carlos gave her a wide, knowing smile to which Stacey raised her eyebrows at him.

"What is it, doctor?" Stacey asked into a scared voice.

Dr. Carlos looked behind her at the door of the cabin to make sure that there was no one outside at the moment and said, "Darius is really in love."

Those words made Stacey's heart flutter as her eyes widened but her smile faltered for a second as Dr. Carlos said, "He really loves your daughter Stacey."

No matter how badly Dr. Carlos wanted to tell Stacey that he was actually talking about the love he had witnessed in Darius' eyes for her but he knew that it was not his place to tell her that at least till Darius did not confess his feelings so he changed his comment at the last moment which was not a lie. Stacey nodded her head with a smile and said, "Yes, I have realize that a long ago. In fact both are very close and even spend a lot of time together."

Stacey's smile broadened as she thought about all the times when she would come back from work and found Stella with Darius, talking animatedly or both of them just playing together.

"He will be a great father someday." Dr. Carlos said to which Stacey nodded with a light chuckle.

"I guess you should go now. They both must be waiting for you." Dr. Carlos suggested as he remembered that both Darius and Stella were waiting for Stacey in their assigned hospital rooms.

"Thank you, doctor." Stacey stood up and shook doctor's hand and they both left the cabin going to Stella's room first.

Stacey opened the door gently and smiled longingly as her heart swelled at the scene in front of her. Stella was frowning, staring at Darius right arm which was bandaged properly. She sat properly and cupped Darius' face with her small hands. Instead of looking at him, she stared down and whispered, "I am sorry, Sun."

Dr. Carlos sensing that it was their private moment, left the room with a huge grin plastered on his face as he knew that three of them were trying to solve everything among them. Stacey stood inside the room, rooted to her place so that they would not disturb Darius and Stella. She frowned as she heard Stella apologizing to Darius.

"Why are you feeling sorry, princess?" Darius asked softly, curiosity clear in his voice.

"You got hurt to save me." Stella said, retrieving her hands.  

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now