Chapter 3

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Chatpter 3

Alistor came in rushing into the hospital. His spell book tightly clutched into his hands. He did't even bother to charm some nurses, no. He slammed the door to his room open, not bothering if he broke the wall by slamming the door so hard. He looked at the pale body lying before him, all covered in tubes and wires to make sure he stays healthy during his coma. He dumped his coat on the chair and sat beside his bed, staring at his pale face. "Oh Artie..."  He grabbed his hand. "What happened?"

"Sir?" A nurse called him from behind. Alistor turned around to face her. She had light brown hair, with a pesky curl coming out from the side. "Yes?" He replied. "Is there any chance you may be his father?" Alistor shook his head. "No miss, i'm simply his older brother." "Over 18?" He nodded. "Yes, over 18 and legally adult." The nurse nodded her head, her curl bouncing along. "Do you mind if i ask you some questions?" "Not at all." He replied. He turned his chair around, so he doesn't have to sit so uncomfortably. "First one, how old is he?" She pointed at the comatose boy behind Alistor with her pen. "He's 29". She nodded and wrote on her clipboard. "His full name?" "Arthur Kirkland." She wrote again on her clipboard. "Is he married, have or had any relationships?" Alistor bit his lip. This was a sensitive subject for Artie and something he kept secret, he wondered if its okay if he spilled it to some nurse. He decided to lie and shook his head. "No miss, he is not married and he never had a relationship." "Oh poor boy." She said, while writing down on her clipboard. She placed the clipboard right beside his bed, on top of the small cabinet. "Thank you very much for your time sir." She smiled. "You may be undisturbed with your brother now.." She left the room, softly closing the door behind her. He sighed and turned around to Arthur, who was sleeping peacefully. He stared at the heart monitor, which was filling the room with its constant beeping, he stared at his rising and falling chest, that kept a steady pace. He looked at the gas mask, that was constantly fogging up. Everything about this was wrong. Why was he here in the first place?

His thoughts have been interrupted by the door being opened by someone. He turned around to see who it is. It was Peter and Wynona, who waved at him awkwardly. Next to them came Tino and Berwald. "Hey!" Tino greeted. He took a chair and placed it beside him. "How is he doing?" "Not so fine, i'm afraid." Alistor stared outside the window. He heard a whine from behind him. "Why did you brought the kids?"  "Silly, i'm not leaving Peter alone! Also Wynona came so i thought it'll be nice to bring her as well." Alistor nodded. He looked at Arthur one last time before standing up. "I need to go." He said. He grabbed his coat and greeted goodbye to the couple and the kids. He left the room, closing the door behind him. He walked out the hospital, searching for a place to smoke. Finally finding a shade behind a tree he grabbed his lighter and cigarette and lit it up.

"Smoking again, my brother?" Alistor turned around to see Sean walking towards him. He nodded to his question. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Checking on ol' Artie of course." He replied. He leaned against the tree. "Man, isn't he troublesome ?" He said jokingly. Alistor let out a small chuckle. "I wonder how he got it." Alistor said. He puffed out a cloud of smoke. "Yea..."


Arthur walked with Alfred along the river. He watched the smaller versions of themselves playing in the water, splashing water to each other. "Can you explain me now why i lost my memory?" Alfred shook his head. "Patience, Arthur. I've been as impatient as you. You know, in my previous life?" "Yea..." Arthur agreed. He looked at the flowers on the river bank. They were all mixed with pretty colors, like a rainbow.

"Hey Artie, i caught a rainbow!" Little Alfred shouted. Little Arthur swam up to him. "You can't catch a rainbow, you idiot!" He insulted. Alfred frowned and and scooped a handful of water. "Look- Huh?" He looked at the water in his hands as if they were strange beings from outer space. "W-where did it go?!" He asked surprisingly. "Silly, you can't catch a rainbow. A rainbow is a-" "Okay you can stop talking." Alfred covered his mouth before he continued to babble some scientific explanation. Arthur removed his hand. "Don't have to shut me up so abruptly, Al. That is very rude and disrespectful. I'm older than you and you know that." Alfred pouted. "So what if you were older?" "It means i'm wiser than that dumb brain of yours!" Arthur shouted. Alfred splashed water on his face and swam away. "Hey wait!" Arthur swam behind him. But he couldn't catch up to an athlete. Arthur stopped swimming in exhaustion. He went out of the water and ran after him instead. Still Alfred was faster than him. "Alfred w-wait!" Arthur stopped to catch his breathe. "Alfred!" He shouted. But Alfred didn't stop. Arthur sat down, watching him disappear deeper into the forest. "Damn it." He huffed. "Bloody git."

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