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Arthur watches the man walking around intently. Arthur and Alfred were going through another memory trip, and Arthur thought this one was pretty interesting. No love, nor lovemaking. Just Alfred, pacing around the room with a phone in his hand. When Alfred wanted to go further in time Arthur stopped him, wanting to watch more of this. He wanted to hear it, what he was talking about through communication of a phone. Luckily he could hear him loud and clear from his distance. He sounded stressed, tired, like he wasn't himself. Sometimes he was sounding desperate, close to shouting and dropping the phone on the ground only to crush it with his foot. 

"No...You can't be serious!" He heard him yell. It seemed Arthur wasn't home in this world.

"...How long do I still have?" He heard him ask in a crying voice. Arthur took a peak through the window. He was indeed crying, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"Thank you...I will visit tomorrow." He said, before ending the call. He lets out a defeated sigh and dropped on the couch. He was miserable. He didn't know how to say this to Arthur, let alone anyone in general. How could he suffer this shitty fate, what did he do to make the sickness gods curse him with one. He was never really interested in Biology back in school. Neither was he interested in health. He'd eat any hamburgers he would see, but Arthur would scold him, place a plate of decently cooked and not-burned vegetables and command him to eat. He'd groan but eat them anyway. Hamburger or not, if he was hungry he'd eat anything, aside from asses and dicks. He would eat them later, on special occasions.

He was so lost in his mind that he didn't hear Arthur coming home. Not even when he greeted. He only snapped out of his thoughts when Arthur snapped his fingers, making him blink. 

"Oh...hey..." He said, no energy put into it. Arthur raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong, love?" He asks, holding his hand. Alfred shook his head and smiled. If only his eyes would follow him, because Arthur could see the sadness behind his blue eyes. 

"There is, tell me" He sat beside him, pulled him to his chest and put his chin on his head. Tears started to well up in his eyes, his chest tightened. When he wanted to say something it would only come out as broken sobs. Arthur said nothing. He only massaged his scalp, comforting him. 

They stayed like that for a while until Alfred was tired of crying. He sat up, only to be pulled back. "Stay." He said, and he obeyed.

They watched the fire crackle in the fireplace, maybe the fire was slowly dying, just like Alfred. He envied the fire, because it can be made again, revived, unlike him. If he loses his life he lost everything. He didn't believe in reincarnation, nor was he a religious man. He was an atheist and he respected Arthur's beliefs and he respects his. But never will he change his mind about reincarnation. If reincarnation did exist, why did they always reincarnate the bad people and not the heroes? 

"What's wrong." Arthur asks. He took a deep breath and looked at him. He wanted to say what tragic news he has heard, but he can't bring it out. It was as if the air was constricting a certain order of words that formed the sentence he wanted to say. It restricted him to say what words he wanted to leave his mouth. Instead of saying what he wanted he said "Nothing..." He sighed, bawled his fists and looked at him dead in the eye. "Tell me, Al." He said seriously. He couldn't fathom what emotion he was outing on his face. All there was was unreadable green eyes and a straight line you'd call a mouth. Alfred gulped. "I..." His voice trailed off. He couldn't bring himself to say it. Why can't he bring himself to say? Why can't he just say what his mind was thinking?  Life would be way easier that way.

"There's seriously nothing." He said, opposite to what his mind wanted him to say. Arthur sighs again. "Al, please, You and I both know there is something, only I am the only one who doesn't know what. So kindly tell me, I won't laugh or shout or get mad. Just tell me." Alfred nods, his eyes fell on the paper that was under the coffee table. Too lazy to stand up, he reached his arm out, trying to get the white paper. His fingers grasped the side of the paper, tightly gripping it and he took it out. He gave it to Arthur, who said nothing. He read it silently, without a word. When he was done he put the paper on the table. Alfred couldn't see what he was feeling at the moment. 

"Is this true?" He asks. He nodded, crawled into his arms and sobbed. "I'm sorry." He whispered in a shaky breath. Arthur patted his back. He could feel his shoulder getting wet. Was he....crying?

"Artie?" Alfred looked up. The once unfathomable face broke into uncontrollable tears. Alfred felt his heart ache. Seeing Arthur cry like this was the last thing he ever wanted to see. He wiped his tears off his face, but they kept coming back. He could feel Arthur pulling him closer, gripping him tighter. "Arthur look at me."  He said. Arthur opened his eyes wider, tears still streaming down his face. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Arthur shook his head, wiping off his tears. He sniffled and pushed Alfred out of his lap. He dropped on the floor on his butt. Before he could ask Arthur was already away, slamming the door and stomping up the stairs. Even on the floor he could hear his wailing in the silence. He decided not to follow him and sleep on the couch for the night. He hoped that Arthur would be okay in the morning. He hoped that his last months with him would be the best.

The scene started to fade back into the house. Arthur was overwhelmed. He couldn't read whatever it was on the paper but he suspected they were prescriptions, analysis, something that had to do with a doctor and his illness. Arthur turned around, only to find Alfred to be no where. He thought he might be in his room, maybe he was crying. So just like Alfred from the memory he stayed in the living room and fell asleep on the couch, forgetting everything around him.


Hey, how've ya been. I'm great, just started spring break/May break. (Question Europe, not me) 

Sorry for not updating for more than a week, due to school, possibly slight depression (Or just me being a dipshit) and writer's block. Actually maybe everything block. Anyways just an attempt to escape my enemy have this extra chapter. What do you think?

If there are any grammar/spelling mistakes, please tell me I'd be happy to fix them!!

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