Chapter 8

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Arthur sat in the garden. His mind was a mess, messier than the last few days. The kiss yesterday was strange, yet he was yearning for it. Sure it wasn't his first kiss; He had a few relationships that has failed. But this kiss was strange, somehow new, exotic. His lips were longing for those red, soft lips. His hand ached for his fingers to entwine with his. This feeling wasn't new to him. He knew he loved him. Or well, that was what his memory told him. His memory slowly came back from whatever blocked it. He can remember the sights, the sounds, the cheerfulness and the sorrow. The bright, sunny summer days and the dark, gray winter days. He knows at least a few years, vaguely, yet vivid. He remembers the forest he and Alfred always played in. He smiles. He doesn't understand why he didn't have them. Why he doesn't know Alfred at all. Well, at the moment his level of knowledge about him is as low as a his memory of him.

Alfred walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around him. Arthur breathed in his scent. It was nearly identical to the pair of ghost arms, yet slightly darker. He put his uncertainties and questions away and embraced the feeling. He closes his eyes and sighs. His arms let him go. Arthur opened his eyes and sees Alfred plucking some of his flowers. 

"What are you doing?" He asks. Alfred only grinned at him and gave him a bouquet of flowers. It consisted of Maltese-Crosses, Cuckoo flowers, Grass-Of-Parnassuses, Primroses, Red roses, Wood anemones and Forget-Me-Nots. Arthur smiled and took the bouquet to smell it. The smell of so many kinds of flowers mixed together was overwhelming. He looked at Alfred, who only grinned like an idiot. "Thought you might like." Arthur put down the bouquet, stood up and hugged him. "Thank you." He breaths out. Alfred grabbed his hand. Their surroundings changed again, back to their house in the real world. Young and still in a good state.

It was raining heavily. The flowers were already wilting in the cold winter. They stepped inside, seeing the two cuddled up beside the fire. 

"Al?" He asks, not looking up from what he was knitting. "Hmm?" "Can you get me some tea?" Alfred huffs. "Get it yourself." Arthur pleaded at him, using his horrible puppy eyes and pouts. Alfred looks away, trying not to submit. After a minute he gave in. "Fine! Just stop doing that, please?" Arthur smirked. "Thank you, love." Alfred stood up and walked to the kitchen. Arthur continued to knit. 

He came back with a cup of tea and places it on the coffee table. He sits down beside him. "What are you making?" He leans forward, looking at the piece of wool fabric. Arthur hid it away. "Nothing." He said. Alfred was curious and leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of what he was making. Arthur only hugged it tight in his chest. "Al" He pouts. Alfred sighs and gives up. "Can you show me when it's done?"He nods. "When it's done." He smiles. 

Alfred scooted a bit closer. "It's so cold!" He whines. Arthur rolls his eyes and continues his knitting. Alfred used this as an excuse to hug him, seeing what he is making. It was the American flag mixed with the British. Alfred smiles and closes his eyes, nuzzling Arthur's shoulder. Arthur drops his work and embraces Alfred. Alfred snuggled in his arms, crawling closer. He could hear his heartbeat in his chest. Arthur hugs him tighter, stroking his sandy blond locks. "Have you ever thought of taking care of that cowlick?" Alfred looks up and shakes his head. "Already tried, all resulted failure." Arthur licked his hand and attempts to put it down. It sprang back up to his surprise. "How did you even get this?" He shrugs. "Born with it?" Arthur huffs. "Oh well. Are you still cold?" He nods. Arthur leaned in, his mouth against his ear. "Come closer."

The rest Arthur didn't exactly wished to see. His face flustered when he hears the love noises he was making. He looked away, only to hear Alfred laugh behind him. He spun around and lightly smacked him. "Idiot!" He said. Alfred laughed harder. Arthur turned his back to him. Alfred's laughter died down. "Hey if I'm gonna show you the past why not show our sexy times." Arthur looked at him. He raised his eyebrows, grinning at him. Arthur shoved away. "Can we please leave?" He asks. The noises were a bit too much for him. Alfred chuckled a bit before giving him his consent. "Sure sure" 

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